[NatureNS] hummingbird

From: "AngelaJoudrey" <aljoudrey@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 12:56:47 -0300
References: <2e5f7e0cb824943d27dcc5734767730c@seaside.ns.ca>
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This is the second report I=27ve read=2E I=27m putting one of the regula=
r feeders out today=2E=C2=A0

Angela in Windsor =

On 04/14/20 12=3A53 PM=2C bdigout  =3Cbdigout=40seaside=2Ens=2Eca=3E wro=
te=3A =

=3E =

=3E Troy Allen of Sampsonville=2C Rich=2E Co=2E reported that a hummingb=
ird was hovering at his window yesterday where his hummingbird feeder is=
 usually hanging=2E Isn=27t this a bit early=3F Any comments=3F
=3E Billy
=3E =

=3E =

-- =

=22The significant problems of our time cannot be solved by the same lev=
el of thinking that created them=2E=22
Albert Einstein

=22When one tugs at a single thing in nature=2C he finds it attached to =
the rest of the world=2E=22
John Muir

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=3Cdiv=3EThis is the second report I=27ve read=2E I=27m putting one of t=
he regular feeders out today=2E=C2=A0=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EAngela in Winds=
or=C2=A0=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 04/14/20 12=3A53 PM=2C=
 =3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3Ebdigout =3C/b=3E =26lt=3Bbdigout=40seaside=2E=
ns=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=22mid=3A2e5f7e0=
cb824943d27dcc5734767730c=40seaside=2Ens=2Eca=22 class=3D=22iwcQuote=22 =
style=3D=22border-left=3A 1px solid =2300F=3B padding-left=3A 13px=3B ma=
rgin-left=3A 0=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv class=3D=22mimetype-text=
-plain=22=3ETroy Allen of Sampsonville=2C Rich=2E Co=2E reported that a =
hummingbird was hovering at his window yesterday where his hummingbird f=
eeder is usually hanging=2E=C2=A0 Isn=27t this a bit early=3F=C2=A0 Any =
comments=3F=3Cbr /=3EBilly=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/blockquote=3E=
-- =3Cbr signature=3D=22separator=22 /=3E=26quot=3BThe significant probl=
ems of our time cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that crea=
ted them=2E=26quot=3B=3Cbr /=3EAlbert Einstein=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=26quo=
t=3BWhen one tugs at a single thing in nature=2C he finds it attached to=
 the rest of the world=2E=26quot=3B=3Cbr /=3EJohn Muir=3C/div=3E


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