[NatureNS] Tree Swallow box report 2019

From: "susann myers" <myerss@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 22:01:31 -0300
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&gt;    2 boxes had Red Squirrel roosts (one was on top of a Tree S
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Hi=2C Fritz=2E

Just to add to the confusion=2C I would recommend an oval entry hole=2C =
1 inch high by 2=2E5 inches wide=2E =

These dimensions were recommended in a 1989 article by Bob Bancroft=2C p=
ublished by the NS Dept=2E of Lands =26 Forests=2E I first heard of this=
 approach from Cathy and Allan Murrant=2C who have used nest boxes with =
entry holes of these dimensions successfully since the 1990s=2E See thei=
r website=2E There have been a couple of nest boxes like this at Morien =
Bar=2C near Glace Bay=2C for the last few years=2C and the Tree Swallows=
 have fought over them every year and raised broods in them with great s=

The 1=22 height is all that Tree Swallows require=2C and it keeps out Ho=
use Sparrows and Starlings=2C as well as squirrels if they can=27t chew =
through the opening edges=2E Any opening larger than 1-1/4 inches in dia=
meter lets House Sparrows and Starlings in - maybe not a great problem i=
n your location - but also squirrels=2E Chickadees can use an opening 1-=
1/4 inches in diameter=2E

The 2=2E5 inch width of an oval opening gives Tree Swallows room for the=
ir wings=2C and allows nestlings to line up in the opening for feeding -=
 another advantage=2E

In my experience=2C reducing the size of the opening to 1-3/8 inches in =
diameter won=27t keep squirrels out=2E If you want to try something diff=
erent to exclude squirrels=2C I=27d recommend that you try some boxes wi=
th oval openings 1 inch high by 2=2E5 inches wide=2E

Good luck with whatever you choose!

Susann Myers

On 10/31/19 02=3A33 PM=2C Fritz McEvoy  =3Cfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2Ecom=3E=
 wrote=3A =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  P =7Bmargin-top=3A0=3Bmargin-bottom=3A0=3B=7D =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Hi All=2C
=3E =

=3E  I agree that ovoid holes are probably the best solution=2E Maybe I=27=
ll make a few of the ovoid guards and 1-3/8=22 round hole guards for nex=
t season and place them on boxes located where squirrels have nested/roo=
sted in the past as well as where I always get Tree Swallow nests=2E We=27=
ll see=2E
=3E =

=3E  As for making the holes=2C spending some time to construct an accur=
ate template and using a router to cut out the holes (1/4=27 straight bi=
t to cut and 1/8=27 corner round bit to soften edges) makes the most sen=
se to me - although David=27s method of stretching hot Plexiglas over a =
wooden anvil sounds like a fun experiment=2E
=3E =

=3E  There are a number of options as to the actual size and shape of th=
e hole=2E I think the short side should be 1-3/8=22 but there appears to=
 be some discussion as to the length and direction of the long side=2E P=
arker makes his hole more than 1-1/2=22wide and less than 1-1/2=27 high=2E=
 David has it at 1-1/2=22 wide and less than 1-1/2=22 high=2E Lance Lavi=
olette makes his 1-3/8=27 wide and 2-1/4=22 high=2E There are also a num=
ber of size and shape choices online=3B so what works best is TBD=2E All=
 the best=2E=C2=A0
=3E  Fritz
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E From=3A Fritz McEvoy =3Cfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2Ecom=3E
=3E Sent=3A October 31=2C 2019 1=3A34 PM
=3E To=3A Lance Laviolette =3Ccorvuscorax=40sympatico=2Eca=3E
=3E Subject=3A Re=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2019
=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Hi All=2C
=3E =

=3E  I agree that ovoid holes are probably the best solution=2E Maybe I=27=
ll make a few of the ovoid guards and 1-3/8=22 round hole guards for nex=
t season and place them on boxes located where squirrels have nested/roo=
sted in the past as well as where I always get Tree Swallow nests=2E We=27=
ll see=2E
=3E =

=3E  As for making the holes=2C spending some time to construct an accur=
ate template and using a router to cut out the holes (1/4=27 straight bi=
t to cut and 1/8=27 corner round bit to soften edges) makes the most sen=
se to me - although David=27s method of stretching hot Plexiglas over a =
wooden anvil sounds like a fun experiment=2E
=3E =

=3E  There are a number of options as to the actual size and shape of th=
e hole=2E I think the short side should be 1-3/8=22 but there appears to=
 be some discussion as to the length and direction of the long side=2E P=
arker makes his hole more than 1-1/2=22wide and less than 1-1/2=27 high=2E=
 David has it at 1-1/2=22 wide and less than 1-1/2=22 high=2E Lance Lavi=
olette makes his 1-3/8=27 wide and 2-1/4=22 high=2E There are also a num=
ber of size and shape choices online=3B so what works best is TBD=2E All=
 the best=2E=C2=A0
=3E  Fritz
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E From=3A Lance Laviolette =3Ccorvuscorax=40sympatico=2Eca=3E
=3E Sent=3A October 30=2C 2019 9=3A59 AM
=3E To=3A =27Fritz McEvoy=27 =3Cfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2Ecom=3E
=3E Subject=3A RE=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2019
=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Great to hear about your season as always Fritz=2E =

=3E =

=3E We=27ve discussed nest hole size before=2E As you know I use a 1 3/8=
=3E X 2 1/4(vertical) hole=2E I drill the circular hole and then jigsaw =
out the
=3E extra oval=2E This shape will not make any difference however if Red=
=3E are getting into your 1 3/8 hole=2E
=3E =

=3E I have seen plans where they are using 1 1/2=22 diameter holes but a=
s you
=3E mention below=2C a hole that small may keep out some Tree Swallows w=
=3E defeats the entire purpose=2E Unless you can keep the squirrels off =
of the box
=3E completely through using a predator guard on the support I think you=
=3E have to live with the few invasions you are getting=2E
=3E =

=3E Cheers=2C
=3E =

=3E Lance
=3E =

=3E -----Original Message-----
=3E From=3A naturens-owner=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca =5Bmailto=3Anaturens-own=
er=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca =3Cnaturens-owner=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=3E=5D
=3E On Behalf Of Fritz McEvoy
=3E Sent=3A Monday=2C October 28=2C 2019 8=3A11 PM
=3E To=3A naturens
=3E Subject=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2019
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Hi All=2C=C2=A0
=3E  I cleaned out my Tree Swallow boxes last week and the results were
=3E surprising good=2E Twenty-seven boxes were set up this season and mo=
st had
=3E activity of some kind=2E The results were=3A=C2=A0
=3E  27 boxes were used (1 is listed twice as it contained both a Red Sq=
=3E and Tree Swallow next)=2E
=3E  18 boxes contained Tree Swallow nests with signs of breeding (all h=
=3E droppings=2C 2 contained egg fragments and 1 had a dead fledge)=2E T=
his was the
=3E largest number of successful nests I=27ve ever had here=2E
=3E  5 boxes had Flying Squirrel roosts/nests and one of those had an ac=
=3E Flying Squirrel inside=2E
=3E  2 boxes had Red Squirrel roosts (one was on top of a Tree Swallow n=
=3E  3 boxes were empty
=3E  All the boxes had predator guards (3=22 plexi squares with an 1-1/2=
=3E entrance hole)=2E Obviously these were somewhat unsuccessful in keep=
ing out
=3E squirrels - the only pest I am concerned about=2E The predator guard=
s were
=3E undamaged so the 1-1/2=22 hole size must be too=C2=A0big=2E I expect=
 they keep out
=3E pregnant Red Squirrels but allow in small Red Squirrels and most Fly=
=3E Squirrels=2E An 1-1/2=22 is the standard size given for Tree Swallow=
=C2=A0boxes - and
=3E for similar commercial predator guards=2E I=27m pretty sure remaking=
 the guards
=3E with an 1-3/8=22 hole would keep out most - if not all squirrels=2E =
The problem
=3E is would it also likely keep out pregnant Tree Swallows=3F It=27s pr=
=3E something that should be researched=2C tested and written up about=C2=
=A0out by
=3E someone - just not me=2E
=3E  The weather was similar to 2018 - cold and wet in June but mostly h=
=3E in July=2E I didn=27t notice a large number of swallows in the area =
this summer=2E
=3E In fact the numbers seemed low to me=2E So it was quite surprising w=
hen 2/3 of
=3E the boxes had Tree Swallow nests with breeding evidence=2E Maybe the=
=3E Swallow decline in this area is not as bad as I thought=2E We will s=
ee if
=3E next season proves just as successful as this year=2E =

=3E  All the best=2E =

=3E  Fritz McEvoy
=3E  Sunrise Valley (near Dingwall) CB
=3E =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E =


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=3Cdiv=3EHi=2C Fritz=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EJ=
ust to add to the confusion=2C I would recommend an oval entry hole=2C 1=
 inch high by 2=2E5 inches wide=2E =C2=A0=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C=
/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EThese dimensions were recommended in a 1989 article by B=
ob Bancroft=2C published by the NS Dept=2E of Lands =26amp=3B Forests=2E=
=C2=A0 I first heard of this approach from Cathy and Allan Murrant=2C wh=
o have used nest boxes with entry holes of these dimensions successfully=
 since the 1990s=2E=C2=A0 See their website=2E=C2=A0 There have been a c=
ouple of nest boxes like this at Morien Bar=2C near Glace Bay=2C for the=
 last few years=2C and the Tree Swallows have fought over them every yea=
r and raised broods in them with great success=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=
r /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EThe 1=26quot=3B height is all that Tree Swallow=
s require=2C and it keeps out House Sparrows and Starlings=2C as well as=
 squirrels if they can=27t chew through the opening edges=2E Any opening=
 larger than 1-1/4 inches in diameter lets House Sparrows and Starlings =
in - maybe not a great problem in your location - but also squirrels=2E=C2=
=A0 Chickadees can use an opening 1-1/4 inches in diameter=2E=3C/div=3E=3C=
div=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EThe 2=2E5 inch width of an oval openi=
ng gives Tree Swallows room for their wings=2C and allows nestlings to l=
ine up in the opening for feeding - another advantage=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=
=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EIn my experience=2C reducing the size of=
 the opening to 1-3/8 inches in diameter won=27t keep squirrels out=2E=C2=
=A0 If you want to try something different to exclude squirrels=2C I=27d=
 recommend that you try some boxes with oval openings 1 inch high by 2=2E=
5 inches wide=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3EGood luc=
k with whatever you choose!=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=
=3ESusann Myers=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 10/3=
1/19 02=3A33 PM=2C =3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3EFritz McEvoy =3C/b=3E =26lt=
=3Bfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2Ecom=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3Cblockquote =
namprd13=2Eprod=2Eoutlook=2Ecom=22 class=3D=22iwcQuote=22 style=3D=22bor=
der-left=3A 1px solid =2300F=3B padding-left=3A 13px=3B margin-left=3A 0=
=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv class=3D=22mimetype-multipart-alternat=

=3Cmeta content=3D=22text/html=3B charset=3Diso-8859-1=22 http-equiv=3D=22=
Content-Type=22 /=3E
=3Cstyle style=3D=22display=3Anone=3B=22 type=3D=22text/css=22=3E P =7Bm=
argin-top=3A0=3Bmargin-bottom=3A0=3B=7D =3C/style=3E

=3C/p=3E=3Ctable style=3D=22width=3A100=25=22=3E=3Ctbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd=
=3C/p=3E=3Cdiv style=3D=22margin=3A 0px=3B font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-fam=
ily=3A Calibri=2C Helvetica=2C sans-serif=3B background-color=3A rgb(255=
=2C 255=2C 255)=22=3E
Hi All=2C=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22margin=3A 0px=3B font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-family=3A C=
alibri=2C Helvetica=2C sans-serif=3B background-color=3A rgb(255=2C 255=2C=
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 I agree that ovoid holes are probably the best solu=
tion=2E Maybe I=27ll make a few of the ovoid guards and 1-3/8=26quot=3B =
round hole guards for next season and place them on boxes located where =
squirrels have nested/roosted in the past as well as where I always get
 Tree Swallow nests=2E=C2=A0 We=27ll see=2E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22margin=3A 0px=3B font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-family=3A C=
alibri=2C Helvetica=2C sans-serif=3B background-color=3A rgb(255=2C 255=2C=
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 As for making the holes=2C spending some time to co=
nstruct an accurate template and using a router to cut out the holes (1/=
4=27 straight bit to cut and 1/8=27 corner round bit to soften edges) ma=
kes the most sense to me - although David=27s method of stretching
 hot Plexiglas over a wooden anvil sounds like a fun experiment=2E=3C/di=
=3Cdiv style=3D=22margin=3A 0px=3B font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-family=3A C=
alibri=2C Helvetica=2C sans-serif=3B background-color=3A rgb(255=2C 255=2C=
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 There are a number of options as to the actual size and sh=
ape of the hole=2E I think the short side should be 1-3/8=26quot=3B but =
there appears to be some discussion as to the length and direction of th=
e long side=2E Parker makes his hole more than 1-1/2=26quot=3Bwide and l=
 than 1-1/2=27 high=2E David has it at 1-1/2=26quot=3B wide and less tha=
n 1-1/2=26quot=3B high=2E Lance Laviolette makes his 1-3/8=27 wide and 2=
-1/4=26quot=3B high=2E There are also a number of size and shape choices=
 online=3B so what works best is TBD=2E All the best=2E=C2=A0=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0Fritz=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3ACalibri=2CHelvetica=2Csans-serif=3B font=
-size=3A12pt=3B color=3Argb(0=2C0=2C0)=22=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Chr style=3D=22display=3Ainline-block=3B width=3A98=25=22 tabindex=3D=22=
-1=22 /=3E
=3Cdiv dir=3D=22ltr=22 id=3D=22divRplyFwdMsg=22=3E=3Cfont color=3D=22=23=
000000=22 face=3D=22Calibri=2C sans-serif=22 style=3D=22font-size=3A11pt=
=22=3E=3Cb=3EFrom=3A=3C/b=3E Fritz McEvoy =26lt=3Bfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2E=
com=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ESent=3A=3C/b=3E October 31=2C 2019 1=3A34 PM=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ETo=3A=3C/b=3E Lance Laviolette =26lt=3Bcorvuscorax=40sympatico=2E=
ca=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ESubject=3A=3C/b=3E Re=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2=
=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv dir=3D=22ltr=22=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3ACalibri=2CHelvetica=2Csans-serif=3B font=
-size=3A12pt=3B color=3Argb(0=2C0=2C0)=22=3E
Hi All=2C=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3ACalibri=2CHelvetica=2Csans-serif=3B font=
-size=3A12pt=3B color=3Argb(0=2C0=2C0)=22=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 I agree that ovoid holes are probably the best solu=
tion=2E Maybe I=27ll make a few of the ovoid guards and 1-3/8=26quot=3B =
round hole guards for next season and place them on boxes located where =
squirrels have nested/roosted in the past as well as where I always get
 Tree Swallow nests=2E=C2=A0 We=27ll see=2E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3ACalibri=2CHelvetica=2Csans-serif=3B font=
-size=3A12pt=3B color=3Argb(0=2C0=2C0)=22=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 As for making the holes=2C spending some time to co=
nstruct an accurate template and using a router to cut out the holes (1/=
4=27 straight bit to cut and 1/8=27 corner round bit to soften edges) ma=
kes the most sense to me - although David=27s method of stretching
 hot Plexiglas over a wooden anvil sounds like a fun experiment=2E=3C/di=
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3ACalibri=2CHelvetica=2Csans-serif=3B font=
-size=3A12pt=3B color=3Argb(0=2C0=2C0)=22=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 There are a number of options as to the actual size and sh=
ape of the hole=2E I think the short side should be 1-3/8=26quot=3B but =
there appears to be some discussion as to the length and direction of th=
e long side=2E Parker makes his hole more than 1-1/2=26quot=3Bwide and l=
 than 1-1/2=27 high=2E David has it at 1-1/2=26quot=3B wide and less tha=
n 1-1/2=26quot=3B high=2E Lance Laviolette makes his 1-3/8=27 wide and 2=
-1/4=26quot=3B high=2E There are also a number of size and shape choices=
 online=3B so what works best is TBD=2E All the best=2E=C2=A0=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0Fritz=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Chr style=3D=22display=3Ainline-block=3B width=3A98=25=22 tabindex=3D=22=
-1=22 /=3E
=3Cdiv dir=3D=22ltr=22 id=3D=22x=5FdivRplyFwdMsg=22=3E=3Cfont color=3D=22=
=23000000=22 face=3D=22Calibri=2C sans-serif=22 style=3D=22font-size=3A1=
1pt=22=3E=3Cb=3EFrom=3A=3C/b=3E Lance Laviolette =26lt=3Bcorvuscorax=40s=
ympatico=2Eca=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ESent=3A=3C/b=3E October 30=2C 2019 9=3A59 AM=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ETo=3A=3C/b=3E =27Fritz McEvoy=27 =26lt=3Bfritzmcevoy=40hotmail=2E=
com=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cb=3ESubject=3A=3C/b=3E RE=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2=
=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv class=3D=22x=5FBodyFragment=22=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3E=3Cspan=
=3Cdiv class=3D=22x=5FPlainText=22=3EGreat to hear about your season as =
always Fritz=2E =3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
We=27ve discussed nest hole size before=2E As you know I use a 1 3/8(hor=
izontal)=3Cbr /=3E
X 2 1/4(vertical) hole=2E I drill the circular hole and then jigsaw out =
the=3Cbr /=3E
extra oval=2E This shape will not make any difference however if Red Squ=
irrels=3Cbr /=3E
are getting into your 1 3/8 hole=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
I have seen plans where they are using 1 1/2=26quot=3B diameter holes bu=
t as you=3Cbr /=3E
mention below=2C a hole that small may keep out some Tree Swallows which=
=3Cbr /=3E
defeats the entire purpose=2E Unless you can keep the squirrels off of t=
he box=3Cbr /=3E
completely through using a predator guard on the support I think you may=
=3Cbr /=3E
have to live with the few invasions you are getting=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
Cheers=2C=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
Lance=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
-----Original Message-----=3Cbr /=3E
From=3A naturens-owner=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca =5B=3Ca href=3D=22mailto=3An=
to=2Ens=2Eca=3C/a=3E=5D=3Cbr /=3E
On Behalf Of Fritz McEvoy=3Cbr /=3E
Sent=3A Monday=2C October 28=2C 2019 8=3A11 PM=3Cbr /=3E
To=3A naturens=3Cbr /=3E
Subject=3A =5BNatureNS=5D Tree Swallow box report 2019=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cbr /=3E
Hi All=2C=C2=A0=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0=C2=A0 I cleaned out my Tree Swallow boxes last week=
 and the results were=3Cbr /=3E
surprising good=2E Twenty-seven boxes were set up this season and most h=
ad=3Cbr /=3E
activity of some kind=2E The results were=3A=C2=A0=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 27 boxes were used (1 is listed twice as it contained both a Red =
Squirrel=3Cbr /=3E
and Tree Swallow next)=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 18 boxes contained Tree Swallow nests with signs of breeding (all=
 had=3Cbr /=3E
droppings=2C 2 contained egg fragments and 1 had a dead fledge)=2E This =
was the=3Cbr /=3E
largest number of successful nests I=27ve ever had here=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A05 boxes had Flying Squirrel roosts/nests and one of those h=
ad an active=3Cbr /=3E
Flying Squirrel inside=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A02 boxes had Red Squirrel roosts (one was on top of a Tree S=
wallow nest)=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A03 boxes were empty=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0 =C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 All the boxes had predator guards (3=26quot=3B=
 plexi squares with an 1-1/2=26quot=3B=3Cbr /=3E
entrance hole)=2E Obviously these were somewhat unsuccessful in keeping =
out=3Cbr /=3E
squirrels - the only pest I am concerned about=2E The predator guards we=
re=3Cbr /=3E
undamaged so the 1-1/2=26quot=3B hole size must be too=C2=A0big=2E I exp=
ect they keep out=3Cbr /=3E
pregnant Red Squirrels but allow in small Red Squirrels and most Flying=3C=
br /=3E
Squirrels=2E An 1-1/2=26quot=3B is the standard size given for Tree Swal=
low=C2=A0boxes - and=3Cbr /=3E
for similar commercial predator guards=2E I=27m pretty sure remaking the=
 guards=3Cbr /=3E
with an 1-3/8=26quot=3B hole would keep out most - if not all squirrels=2E=
 =C2=A0The problem=3Cbr /=3E
is would it also likely keep out pregnant Tree Swallows=3F It=27s probab=
ly=3Cbr /=3E
something that should be researched=2C tested and written up about=C2=A0=
out by=3Cbr /=3E
someone - just not me=2E=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 The weather was similar to 2018 - cold an=
d wet in June but mostly hot=3Cbr /=3E
in July=2E I didn=27t notice a large number of swallows in the area this=
 summer=2E=3Cbr /=3E
In fact the numbers seemed low to me=2E So it was quite surprising when =
2/3 of=3Cbr /=3E
the boxes had Tree Swallow nests with breeding evidence=2E Maybe the Tre=
e=3Cbr /=3E
Swallow decline in this area=C2=A0 is not as bad as I thought=2E We will=
 see if=3Cbr /=3E
next season proves just as successful as this year=2E=C2=A0=C2=A0=3Cbr /=
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 All the best=2E =3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 Fritz McEvoy=3Cbr /=3E
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 Sunrise Valley (near Dingwall) CB=3Cbr /=3E=

=3Cbr /=3E


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