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Index of Subjects Gary, I'd say that was a wise junco. Juncos nest around our house every year, and inevitably they choose sites close to our pathways and of course get terribly annoyed at our normal travel or gardening activity around the place. I often find myself talking to them about their poor choices. Doug Linzey On 7/10/2019 9:26 AM, wrote: > Hi all, > Saw a new one this morning, a pair of Juncos bring food and removing > fecal sacs from a neighbors Hanging basket. Pretty amazing, the > adaption and ingenuity. It was fairly high, so I guess you could say > they are part of the Mile High Club. > Also happened upon a Flicker nest with 3 fledglings at a local lake > over the weekend. They have left the nest successfully. Images of it > may be found at: > > A few other species have fledged young around the same > timecoincidentally?. Robins, chickadees, Crows. > Cheers > Gary Murray > Hfx NS
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