[NatureNS] binocular repair

From: susann myers <myerss@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 14:47:43 -0300
References: <CAKqJtz_+Z4RSZUWF1UQHZjX8kzdJKR7mJMMo1QN+5QM9H=pAWw@mail.gmail.com>
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The Vortex repair service is amazing=2E I wouldn=27t be put off by their=
 being in Guelph=2E I sent my Vortex bins off to them last fall and had =
them back in 3 weeks=2C good as new=2E


On 05/31/18 01=3A32 PM=2C Eric Mills  =3CE=2EMills=40Dal=2ECa=3E wrote=3A=

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E  For the Birds shut down some time ago=2C due to the death of Kelley=
 Delaney=2E She and it are greatly missed (Brian too)=2E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  I think that Vortex may be your best bet=2E You could try phoning P=
elee Wings to get their advice=2E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  All the best=2C
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  Eric
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  Eric=A0L=2E=A0Mills=A0
=3E =

=3E Lower=A0Rose=A0Bay
=3E =

=3E Lunenburg=A0Co=2E=2C=A0Nova=A0Scotia=A0
=3E =

=3E Canada
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E    =

=3E  =

=3E From=3A Randy Lauff
=3E  =

=3E Sent=3A Thursday=2C May 31=2C 2018 13=3A08
=3E  =

=3E To=3A NatureNS
=3E  =

=3E Reply To=3A naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca
=3E  =

=3E Subject=3A =5BNatureNS=5D binocular repair
=3E  =

=3E   =

=3E   =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E My toddler got hold of my bins=2C and now the eyecups are broken=2E =
These are Eagle Rangers=2C and their warranty doesn=27t cover eyecups=2E=
 I could send them to Vortex anyway (who now deals with Eagle line of bi=
ns)=2C but they=27re in Guelph=2E Is there anyone in the province=3F
=3E =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E I bought my bins at=A0For the Birds Nature Shop=2C Mahone Bay probab=
ly 10 years ago=2E The two numbers I found for them on line are no longe=
r in service=3B are they no longer in business=3F
=3E  =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E Randy
=3E   =

=3E  =

=3E =5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=
=3E =

=3E RF Lauff
=3E =

=3E Way in the boonies of
=3E =

=3E Antigonish County=2C NS=2E
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E  =

=3E =


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=3Cdiv=3ERandy=2C=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr/=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=
=3Cdiv=3EThe Vortex repair service is amazing=2E=A0 I wouldn=27t be put =
off by their being in Guelph=2E=A0 I sent my Vortex bins off to them las=
t fall and had them back in 3 weeks=2C good as new=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=
=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr/=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3ESusann=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3E=
On 05/31/18 01=3A32 PM=2C =3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3EEric Mills =3C/b=3E =
=26lt=3BE=2EMills=40Dal=2ECa=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/di=
v=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=22mid=3A20180531162033=2E5=
996628=2E59965=2E154078=40dal=2Eca=22 class=3D=22iwcQuote=22 style=3D=22=
border-left=3A 1px solid =2300F=3B padding-left=3A 13px=3B margin-left=3A=
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=3C/p=3E=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-=
family=3ACalibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3A=
rgb(31=2C73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=
For the Birds shut down some time ago=2C due to the death of Kelley Dela=
ney=2E She and it are greatly missed (Brian too)=2E=A0=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
I think that Vortex may be your best bet=2E You could try phoning Pelee =
Wings to get their advice=2E=A0=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
All the best=2C=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
=3Cdiv style=3D=22width=3A100=25=3B font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3A=
Calibri=2C=27Slate Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C=
73=2C125)=3B text-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C=
=3Cbr style=3D=22display=3Ainitial=22 /=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-size=3Ainitial=3B font-family=3ACalibri=2C=27Slat=
e Pro=27=2Csans-serif=2Csans-serif=3B color=3Argb(31=2C73=2C125)=3B text=
-align=3Ainitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C255)=22=3E
Eric=A0L=2E=A0Mills=A0=3Cbr /=3E
Lower=A0Rose=A0Bay=3Cbr /=3E
Lunenburg=A0Co=2E=2C=A0Nova=A0Scotia=A0=3Cbr /=3E
=3Ctable style=3D=22background-color=3Awhite=3B border-spacing=3A0px=22 =
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nitial=3B background-color=3Argb(255=2C255=2C255)=22=3E
=3Cdiv style=3D=22border-style=3Asolid none none=3B border-top-color=3Ar=
gb(181=2C196=2C223)=3B border-top-width=3A1pt=3B padding=3A3pt 0in 0in=3B=
 font-family=3ATahoma=2C=27BB Alpha Sans=27=2C=27Slate Pro=27=3B font-si=
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=3EFrom=3A =3C/b=3ERandy Lauff=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=3ESent=3A =3C/b=3EThursday=2C May 31=2C 2018 13=3A08=3C/di=
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=3ETo=3A =3C/b=3ENatureNS=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=3EReply To=3A =3C/b=3Enaturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=3C/div=
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cb=3ESubject=3A =3C/b=3E=5BNatureNS=5D binocular repair=3C/di=
=3Cbr /=3E
=3Cdiv dir=3D=22ltr=22=3EMy toddler got hold of my bins=2C and now the e=
yecups are broken=2E These are Eagle Rangers=2C and the