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I took a moment to relax in the sun at around 5 PM, and then quickly noticed a popping sound coming from the trees. At first I thought it was the horse chestnut, which is 'popping' out leaves and flower stems in great rapidity, but when I finally rose to take a closer look, I realized it was the Scots pine. It isn't my favorite yard tree, but it was very cool listening to the cones popping open just now under the warm spring sun. Some of the wings from seeds had floated down on the patio deck. The seed had been removed. This was perhaps the work of the white-breasted nuthatch who was very quiet and busy moving around in the tree. I've never hit the timing just right before to "hear" pine cones popping. Very cool. Donna --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
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