[NatureNS] Bee Hotels

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:12:39 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ulli Hoeger <ullihoeger@yahoo.com>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <55312301-dc4b-c4d4-7692-251e050611db@bellaliant.net>
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Better this one than none!

IF there is a local population of solitary bees (and wasps) that nest in th=
is kind of hollow stem material, and the provided stems offer the correct d=
iameter they will move in.Bamboo may not be the prime material but it works=
.=C2=A0 As with all nests pests and parasites will take their toll, in part=
icular is the nest"boxes" are not cleaned after hatching (next Spring), but=
 most bees take care of the cleaning.
We had those kind of "hotels" in our garden for 30+ years, a wooden frame w=
ith drilled hardwood blocks, bundles of plant stem cuttings and clay blocks=
 (some bees dig into that stuff). Easy DIY projects, and my brother is doin=
g them every year with some of his students in woodshop class.

Both sites you list are companies with their own "products", ine from GB, a=
 different part of the world with different problems.=C2=A0=C2=A0=20
Yes, there are solitary wasps -many of those also pollinators, some are par=
asites of solitary bees- that nest in the same way, and they are also part =
of the ecosystem. The issue of non-native bees are only present where those=
 have been introduced as pollinators, mostly in large scale greenhouse oper=

The great benefit of those commercial bee hotels is that they make people a=
ware that there are native, solitary bees (and wasps).=C2=A0 Often they are=
 the first step to do more, build your own -better- ones and start bee frie=
ndly landscaping.

This book provides a glimpse into the diversity of "Not Honey Bees" Robot C=
heck and the web is full of info how to built your own bee hotels.

|  |=20
Robot Check





    On Monday, April 30, 2018, 9:31:44 a.m. ADT, Don MacNeill <donmacneill@=
bellaliant.net> wrote: =20
   I purchased a bee hotel from Costco and 2 more for relatives.=C2=A0 They=
 are made from hollow bamboo laid horizontally and are purported to provide=
 shelter for bee larvae.=C2=A0 The following article says that these hotels=
 increase pollen mites and allow a certain fungal growth to compete against=
 the larvae.
 A study indicates that these houses are used more by wasps and non-native =
 Does anybody have any thoughts on this or experience with these bee hotels=
 Don MacNeill donmacneill@bellaliant.net  =20
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<html xmlns=3D"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v=3D"urn:schemas-microso=
ft-com:vml" xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"><head><!--[=
if gte mso 9]><xml><o:OfficeDocumentSettings><o:AllowPNG/><o:PixelsPerInch>=
dy><div style=3D"font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;f=
ont-size:13px;"><div><div>Better this one than none!<br><div><br>IF there i=
s a local population of solitary bees (and wasps) that nest in this kind of=
 hollow stem material, and the provided stems offer the correct diameter th=
ey will move in.</div></div><div>Bamboo may not be the prime material but i=
t works.&nbsp; As with all nests pests and parasites will take their toll, =
in particular is the nest"boxes" are not cleaned after hatching (next Sprin=
g), but most bees take care of the cleaning.<br><div>We had those kind of "=
hotels" in our garden for 30+ years, a wooden frame with drilled hardwood b=
locks, bundles of plant stem cuttings and clay blocks (some bees dig into t=
hat stuff). Easy DIY projects, and my brother is doing them every year with=
 some of his students in woodshop class.<br><div><br><div>Both sites you li=
st are companies with their own "products", ine from GB, a different part o=
f the world with different problems.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><div>Yes, there are so=
litary wasps -many of those also pollinators, some are parasites of solitar=
y bees- that nest in the same way, and they are also part of the ecosystem.=
 The issue of non-native bees are only present where those have been introd=
uced as pollinators, mostly in large scale greenhouse operations.<br><div><=
br><div>The great benefit of those commercial bee hotels is that they make =
people aware that there are native, solitary bees (and wasps).&nbsp; Often =
they are the first step to do more, build your own -better- ones and start =
bee friendly landscaping.<br><div><br>This book provides a glimpse into the=
 diversity of "Not Honey Bees" <a href=3D"https://www.amazon.ca/Bees-Your-B=
08186&amp;sr=3D8-2&amp;keywords=3Dbees+north+america" rel=3D"nofollow" targ=
et=3D"_blank" class=3D"enhancr_card_5455268048">Robot Check</a> and the web=
 is full of info how to built your own bee hotels.<br></div><div><br></div>=
<div id=3D"ydp2346bfb0enhancr_card_5455268048" class=3D"ydp2346bfb0yahoo-li=
nk-enhancr-card ydp2346bfb0yahoo-link-enhancr-not-allow-cover ydp2346bfb0ym=
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x;font-family:&quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Helvetica, =
Arial, sans-serif;" data-url=3D"https://www.amazon.ca/Bees-Your-Backyard-Gu=
sr=3D8-2&amp;keywords=3Dbees+north+america" data-type=3D"YENHANCER" data-si=
ze=3D"MEDIUM" contenteditable=3D"false"><a href=3D"https://www.amazon.ca/Be=
d=3D1525108186&amp;sr=3D8-2&amp;keywords=3Dbees+north+america" style=3D"tex=
t-decoration:none !important;color:#000 !important;" class=3D"ydp2346bfb0ya=
hoo-enhancr-cardlink" rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank"><table class=3D"yd=
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