[NatureNS] Cormorants and Great Blues

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2018 12:04:06 -0300
From: bdigout <bdigout@seaside.ns.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <F05E86BF-91CE-45C0-9518-FD15F181C074@ns.sympatico.ca>
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The same thing happened on Red Islands on the Bras D'Or Lakes in
Richmond County. When I was younger, the island was covered with trees
and the trees were full of nests; Cormorant and Heron nests on opposite
ends of the main island. Now, there are no more trees, and the
cormorants are nesting on the ground, along with gulls and some ducks
near the ponds. I don't know where the herons nest now. 


On 29
Mar 2018 11:35, John and Nhung wrote: 

> Here's s story from before
your time, John K.! 
> Years ago, the island in mid-Yarmouth Harbour
was well-treed. Mighta been back in the '70's that cormorants started to
get more abundant and really liked that island. Lotsa bushes on the
island now; all the spruce trees died out. 
naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca [mailto:naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca] ON
> SENT: March 29, 2018 10:21 AM
> TO:
> SUBJECT: Re: [NatureNS] Cormorants and Great
> John, are double-crested cormorants becoming a disturbance
and habitat enrichment problem here in NS..similar in a way to herring
> Nick 
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 10:02 AM, John Kearney
<john.kearney@ns.sympatico.ca [1]> wrote: 
> Hi All,
> Two
Double-crested Cormorants and six Great Blue Herons arrived at the Johns
Island nesting colony in Yarmouth Harbour this morning. There seemed to
be more cormorants crouching in grass, perhaps recovering from their
journey. I couldn't tell for sure.
> None of these were there yesterday
when I checked.
> John
> Sent from my iPhone 
> -- 
> Dr.
> Fern Hill Institute of Plant Conservation
> 424 Bentley Road,
Berwick, NS, B0P 1E0
> phone 902-698-0416



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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
<p>The same thing happened on Red Islands on the Bras D'Or Lakes in Richmon=
d County.&nbsp; When I was younger, the island was covered with trees and t=
he trees were full of nests; Cormorant and Heron nests on opposite ends of =
the main island.&nbsp;&nbsp; Now, there are no more trees, and the cormoran=
ts are nesting on the ground, along with gulls and some ducks near the pond=
s.&nbsp; I don't know where the herons nest now.</p>
<p>On 29 Mar 2018 11:35, John and Nhung wrote:</p>
<blockquote type=3D"cite" style=3D"padding-left:5px; border-left:#1010ff 2p=
x solid; margin-left:5px; width:100%"><!-- html ignored --><!-- head ignore=
d --><!-- meta ignored --><!-- meta ignored -->
<div class=3D"WordSection1">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Cali=
bri','sans-serif'; color: #1f497d;">Here&rsquo;s s story from before your t=
ime, John K.!&nbsp; <!-- o ignored --></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Cali=
bri','sans-serif'; color: #1f497d;"><!-- o ignored -->&nbsp;</span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Cali=
bri','sans-serif'; color: #1f497d;">Years ago, the island in mid-Yarmouth H=
arbour was well-treed.&nbsp; Mighta been back in the &rsquo;70&rsquo;s that=
 cormorants started to get more abundant and really liked that island.&nbsp=
; Lotsa bushes on the island now; all the spruce trees died out.<!-- o igno=
red --></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Cali=
bri','sans-serif'; color: #1f497d;"><!-- o ignored -->&nbsp;</span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><strong><span style=3D"font-size: 10.0pt; font-famil=
y: 'Tahoma','sans-serif';">From:</span></strong><span style=3D"font-size: 1=
0.0pt; font-family: 'Tahoma','sans-serif';"> naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca =
[mailto:naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca] <strong>On Behalf Of </strong>Nick H=
ill<br /><strong>Sent:</strong> March 29, 2018 10:21 AM<br /><strong>To:</s=
trong> naturens@chebucto.ns.ca<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> Re: [NatureNS=
] Cormorants and Great Blues<!-- o ignored --></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><!-- o ignored -->&nbsp;</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">John, are double-crested cormorants becoming a distu=
rbance and habitat enrichment problem here in NS..similar in a way to herri=
ng gulls?<!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Nick<!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><!-- o ignored -->&nbsp;</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 10:02 AM, John Kearney &lt;<=
a href=3D"mailto:john.kearney@ns.sympatico.ca">john.kearney@ns.sympatico.ca=
</a>&gt; wrote:<!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Hi All,<br />Two Double-crested Cormorants and six G=
reat Blue Herons arrived at the Johns Island nesting colony in Yarmouth Har=
bour this morning. There seemed to be more cormorants crouching in grass, p=
erhaps recovering from their journey. I couldn&rsquo;t tell for sure.<br />=
None of these were there yesterday when I checked.<br />John<br /><br />Sen=
t from my iPhone<!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><br /><br clear=3D"all" /><!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><!-- o ignored -->&nbsp;</p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">-- <!-- o ignored --></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Dr. N.M.Hill<br />Fern Hill Institute of Plant Conse=
rvation<br />424 Bentley Road, Berwick, NS, B0P 1E0<br /><br />phone 902-69=
8-0416<!-- o ignored --></p>


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