[NatureNS] Canada Geese

From: susann myers <myerss@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2018 15:28:26 -0400
References: <BB70A87CFE8B8B4597E5A9D5EDDAB6FBE0F2540F@AS446.prov.gov.ns.ca>
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Hundreds have over-wintered in the marshes on the Eastern Shore, from Three Fathom Harbour to West Chezzetcook. Approx. 900 to 1000 total, last time I visited. There are good eel grass beds along this shore.

Susann Myers

On 03/04/18 03:15 PM, "Hebda, Andrew J"  <Andrew.Hebda@novascotia.ca> wrote:

> Have had 8 hanging around in the marshes (Noel Shore) for the last 3 days. Any others around?
> Andrew

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=3Cdiv=3EHundreds have over-wintered in the marshes on the Eastern Shore=
=2C from Three Fathom Harbour to West Chezzetcook=2E=A0 Approx=2E 900 to=
 1000 total=2C last time I visited=2E=A0 There are good eel grass beds a=
long this shore=2E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cdiv =3E=3Cbr/=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=
=3ESusann Myers=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 03/04/18 03=3A15 PM=2C =3C=
b class=3D=22name=22=3E=26quot=3BHebda=2C Andrew J=26quot=3B =3C/b=3E =26=
lt=3BAndrew=2EHebda=40novascotia=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/div=
=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=22mid=3ABB70A87CFE8B8B4597E5A9D5EDDAB=
6FBE0F2540F=40AS446=2Eprov=2Egov=2Ens=2Eca=22 class=3D=22iwcQuote=22 sty=
le=3D=22border-left=3A 1px solid =2300F=3B padding-left=3A 13px=3B margi=
n-left=3A 0=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv class=3D=22mimepart text pl=
ain=22=3E=3Cbr /=3EHave had 8 hanging around in the marshes (Noel Shore)=
 for the last 3 days=2E Any others around=3F=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EAndrew=3C=
br /=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/blockquote=3E


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