[NatureNS] Nocturnal Migration for the 1st Week of August

From: GayleMacLean <duartess@EastLink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2016 14:46:01 -0300
References: <001301d1f188$77824f50$6686edf0$@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Thank you John=2C

I=2C and am sure=2C all=2C on naturens=2C appreciate greatly your posts =
=26 your blog!


Gayle MacLean

On 08/08/16 12=3A24 PM=2C John Kearney =3Cjohn=2Ekearney=40ns=2Esympatic=
o=2Eca=3E wrote=3A =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E    =

=3E  =

=3E    =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E Hi All=2C
=3E  =

=3E The rate of nocturnal movements of warblers at Carleton=2C Yarmouth =
County=2C almost doubled over the previous week=2E There was a total of =
240 calls and at least 181 individual birds at a rate of 34 calls per ni=
ght=2E Warblers composed 99=25 of the calls recorded=2E Despite a contin=
uing variety in species composition=2C early migrating warbler species d=
ominated the count=2E The most common species were American Redstart (69=
 calls)=2C Black-and-White Warbler (45 calls)=2C and Yellow Warbler (34 =
calls)=2E The numbers of these three species seemed to indicate true=2C =
south-bound migration=2C rather than post-breeding dispersion=2E A summa=
ry list can be found below=2E
=3E  =

=3E The weather radars in the state of Maine=2C at Caribou and Portland=2C=
 showed only light activity but with evidence of bird migration on most =
nights when there was no rain=2E This=2C and previous reports=2C are pos=
ted at=3A http=3A//www=2Ejohnfkearney=2Ecom/Carleton=5FYarmouthCounty=5F=
2016=2Ehtml=2E =

=3E  =

=3E John
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E      =

=3E Estimated
=3E     =

=3E Call
=3E   =

=3E Minimum
=3E    =

=3E Species
=3E   =

=3E Count
=3E   =

=3E Individuals*
=3E    =

=3E American Redstart
=3E   =

=3E 69
=3E   =

=3E 45
=3E    =

=3E Black-and-White Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 45
=3E   =

=3E 32
=3E    =

=3E Yellow Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 34
=3E   =

=3E 28
=3E    =

=3E Unidentified Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 18
=3E   =

=3E 15
=3E    =

=3E Chestnut-sided Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 13
=3E   =

=3E 10
=3E    =

=3E Magnolia Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 10
=3E   =

=3E 9
=3E    =

=3E Northern Parula
=3E   =

=3E 10
=3E   =

=3E 7
=3E    =

=3E Blackburnian Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 9
=3E   =

=3E 8
=3E    =

=3E Black-throated Blue Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 9
=3E   =

=3E 7
=3E    =

=3E Unidentified Warbler Genus Setophaga
=3E   =

=3E 7
=3E   =

=3E 6
=3E    =

=3E Tennessee Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 6
=3E   =

=3E 4
=3E    =

=3E Canada Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 3
=3E   =

=3E 3
=3E    =

=3E White-throated Sparrow
=3E   =

=3E 3
=3E   =

=3E 3
=3E    =

=3E Bay-breasted Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E    =

=3E Black-throated Green Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E    =

=3E Cape May Warbler
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E    =

=3E Northern Waterthrush
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E   =

=3E 1
=3E    =

=3E Total
=3E   =

=3E 240
=3E   =

=3E 181
=3E =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E * Calls that are more than one minute apart plus calls that are less=
 than one minute apart divided by three and rounded up to nearest whole =
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E --------------------
=3E  =

=3E John F=2E Kearney
=3E  =

=3E 120 White=92s River Road
=3E  =

=3E Carleton=2C Nova Scotia
=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =


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=3CDIV=3EThank you John=2C=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=
I=2C and am sure=2C=26nbsp=3Ball=2C on=26nbsp=3Bnaturens=2C appreciate g=
reatly your posts =26amp=3B your blog!=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/D=
Gayle MacLean=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EDartmouth=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C=
/DIV=3E=3CSPAN=3EOn 08/08/16 12=3A24 PM=2C =3CB class=3Dname=3EJohn Kear=
ney =3C/B=3E=26lt=3Bjohn=2Ekearney=40ns=2Esympatico=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=
=3CBLOCKQUOTE class=3DiwcQuote style=3D=22PADDING-LEFT=3A 13px=3B MARGIN=
-LEFT=3A 0px=3B BORDER-LEFT=3A =2300f 1px solid=22 cite=3Dmid=3A001301d1=
f188=2477824f50=246686edf0=24=40ns=2Esympatico=2Eca type=3D=22cite=22=3E=

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=3CP class=3DMsoNormal=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=27FONT-SIZE=3A 11pt=3B FONT-FA=
MILY=3A =22Book Antiqua=22=2Cserif=27=3EHi All=2C=3Co=3Ap=3E=3C/o=3Ap=3E=
=3CP class=3DMsoNormal=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=27FONT-SIZE=3A 12pt=3B FONT-FA=
MILY=3A =22Book Antiqua=22=2Cserif=27=3EThe rate of nocturnal movements =
of warblers at Carleton=2C Yarmouth County=2C almost doubled over the pr=
evious week=2E There was a total of 240 calls and at least 181 individua=
l birds at a rate of 34 calls per night=2E Warblers composed 99=25 of th=
e calls recorded=2E Despite a continuing variety in species composition=2C=
 early migrating warbler species dominated the count=2E The most common =
species were American Redstart (69 calls)=2C Black-and-White Warbler (45=
 calls)=2C and Yellow Warbler (34 calls)=2E The numbers of these three s=
pecies seemed to indicate true=2C south-bound migration=2C rather than p=
ost-breeding dispersion=2E A summary list can be found below=2E=3Co=3Ap=3E=
=3CP class=3DMsoNormal=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=27FONT-SIZE=3A 12pt=3B FONT-FA=
MILY=3A =22Book Antiqua=22=2Cserif=27=3EThe weather radars in the state =
of Maine=2C at Caribou and Portland=2C showed only light activity but wi=
th evidence of bird migration on most nights when there was no rain=2E T=
his=2C and previous reports=2C are posted at=3A =3Ca href=3D=22http=3A//=
www=2Ejohnfkearney=2Ecom/Carleton=5FYarmouthCounty=5F2016=2Ehtml=22 targ=
et=3D1 =3Ehttp=3A//www=2Ejohnfkearney=2Ecom/Carleton=5FYarmouthCounty=5F=
2016=2Ehtml=3C/A=3E=2E =3Co=3Ap=3E=3C/o=3Ap=3E=3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP class=3DMsoNormal=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=27FONT-SIZE=3A 12pt=3B FONT-FA=
MILY=3A =22Book Antiqua=22=2Cserif=27=3EJohn=3Co=3Ap=3E=3C/o=3Ap=3E=3C/S=
=3CP class=3DMsoNormal=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=27FONT-SIZE=3A 12pt=3B FONT-FA=
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