[NatureNS] Keji Loon Count

From: Donna Crossland <dcrossland@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
References: <209759156.1255242.1464611333431.open-xchange@webmail.bellaliant.net>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 10:32:45 -0300
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Thanks, Paul, for the wonderful summary of our spring LoonWatch event.  =
I=E2=80=99m glad that Pileated didn=E2=80=99t fall on your head.  =
I=E2=80=99ve never heard their flight being described that way, but =
you=E2=80=99re right, it does kind of look precarious.=20


We=E2=80=99ll have to go back to that rock in Channel Lake and see what =
swallow species is nesting there.  It would be wonderful if it was cliff =
swallows.  I miss the colony we used to have under the eaves of my =
father=E2=80=99s barn.  The wood duck is an excellent sighting too.  =
I=E2=80=99ll enter your observations in the park wildlife observation =
database when I am back tomorrow.  The possible Goshawk presence is =
something to watch for.  We seem to have far fewer than we used to (back =
when sometimes trails were closed due to an aggressive Goshawk nesting =
nearby).  Paul, you would know of this better than I would since I =
wasn=E2=80=99t there then.


You=E2=80=99ve put in a good plug for LoonWatch, so it=E2=80=99s an =
opportunity to add:  We are still looking for more folks to participate =
in Keji LoonWatch, especially in the August event when we assess loon =
chick survivorship.  If anyone is interested, just give me a shout at =
work:  donna.crossland@pc.gc.ca   It=E2=80=99s a free entrance day for =
all LoonWatch volunteers and there are 3 free canoes to lend out at =
Jake=E2=80=99s Landing, in addition to the canoes available for use that =
we stash on some lakes to aid with LoonWatch.  We aim to please, and =
it=E2=80=99s a good chance to drive into the south end of Keji without =
doing all of that portaging and paddle a remote lake.


I=E2=80=99ve taken the day off since the rain didn=E2=80=99t allow a =
songbird count.


Come see us again soon, Paul!




From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca =
[mailto:naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca] On Behalf Of =
Sent: May-30-16 9:29 AM
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: [NatureNS] Keji Loon Count


Hi All=20

Yesterday was Keji Loon Count day and a great day

it was. The weather was perfect and the staff wonderful!

Donna is to be congratulated on such a fine event. She will

be glad to know that I didn't collect any of her ticks during the day

after all collecting in a National Park is not allowed!

I was able to go to Channel Lake with Remi compliments of Captain Norm.

It was windy on the way back and the waves were up - thanks Norm.

Channel Lake had it usual Pair of Loons. It has a lot of canoe traffic

maybe the loons like that. There is a large rock out in the middle

of the lake. Almost an island. Terns used to often nest on the rock

but not this year. A few years ago there was a pair there and when you

can near in a canoe one of them would come and sit on the front of the

canoe. I assumed that it spent the winter on a pier somewhere south of

here and was used to getting minnows from the anglers!

But this year the swallows have built nests under the ledges in the =

We saw 2 nests about 1 m above the water. Not sure of the species but

their house sure had a water view. One flew of when we were still at a =

but we didn't get a good look.

On the way back down the river a Wood Duck flew out of  a tall dead =

and its mate joined it from another tree and they flew of through the =

The tree is a dead pine with a hole where a dead branch dropped out.

The hole is 6 - 7 m above ground. Shows the importance of dead trees.

Crossing the lake we saw a raptor carrying supper home to an island.

Looked like a Sharp-shinned Hawk but as it was a distance away it could

have been a Goshawk. I've seen a pair of these hawks while fishing but

never close enough for a positive id. There might be a nest on the =

A pair of Broad-winged Hawks flew by as we unpacked.=20

A Barred Owl few across in front of me as I left the Eel Weir after

a evening fishing. A fine day for raptors!

A Pileated Woodpecker flapped across the road as I was leaving the

group at Jakes Landing. They look like in danger of falling out of the =

at any time.

Rhodora was wonderful also - it doesn't get much credit for its beauty.

A wonderful day thanks again to Donna for inviting me and the only

down note is having to leave at the end of the day.

Enjoy a day in Keji





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D'>Thanks, Paul, for the wonderful summary of our spring LoonWatch =
event.=C2=A0 I=E2=80=99m glad that Pileated didn=E2=80=99t fall on your =
head.=C2=A0 I=E2=80=99ve never heard their flight being described that =
way, but you=E2=80=99re right, it does kind of look precarious. =
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