[NatureNS] Barred Owl on the Ridge

From: Nancy Roberts <nancy.roberts@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 17:02:34 -0300
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Great answer!

I appreciate Mr. Forsythe's diligence on behalf of the barred owls.



On 17-Mar-16, at 3:06 PM, Rick Whitman wrote:

> Hi Nancy,
> Bernard maintains about 20 nest boxes for Barred Owls and has done =20
> so for decades. He monitors them as if he were a researcher and =20
> keeps all of his data. Most are "back in the woods" and he has to =20
> climb the trees. (He's in his 70's). He uses a ladder for the one in =20=

> his backyard. When you climb a nest tree and/or rap on the box, the =20=

> female departs. Sometimes they attack him but he wears protective =20
> gear as needed. With the female out of the box, it's easy to check =20
> for eggs. All chicks are also banded at the proper age and this has =20=

> been a very public event in recent years for the backyard box. Over =20=

> the years, Bernard's owls have produced many hundreds of young owls. =20=

> Probably every decent habitat in Kings Co. is occupied and likely =20
> some in adjacent counties. Certainly, the species is common here. =20
> The nest monitoring never leads the owls to abandon the nest, or =20
> anything of that nature.
> Regards,
> Rick W.
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Nancy Roberts =
> > wrote:
> For Bernard Forsythe:
> Just curious =96 by what means or signs do you know the barred owl has =
> laid an egg?
> Thanks,
> Nancy Roberts
> On 16-Mar-16, at 10:31 PM, Donna Crossland wrote:
>> It's wonderful to hear an update on Bernard's resident barred owls.
>> I miss hearing/seeing barred owls, which seem to be far fewer =20
>> following last
>> year's harsh snow conditions.  The nights were much more silent =20
>> last year in
>> Keji, and this seems to have carried over to this year.  We'll see =20=

>> what the
>> nocturnal owl surveys reveal.
>> I suppose we must accept that this is the ebb and flow of nature and
>> population dynamics, but it is difficult when we see all the =20
>> additional
>> stressors placed on this species and many others from the rampant and
>> unprecedented removal of forests, and removal of forest-dwelling =20
>> 'prey' and
>> nest cavities that are not even factored in to the clearcutting =20
>> impacts.
>> On a happier note, the air was alive with song sparrows on my =20
>> arrival home
>> from work today, with one robin in full song (rather than calling), =20=

>> and
>> joined by red-winged blackbirds.  Male catkins of alder, some =20
>> extended and
>> shedding small amounts of pollen already.
>> Wood frogs should be calling here and there, but I haven't heard =20
>> them yet.
>> Anyone else?
>> Donna
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca =
>> ]
>> On Behalf Of Judy
>> Sent: March-16-16 9:33 PM
>> To: NatureNS
>> Subject: [NatureNS] Barred Owl on the Ridge
>> Bernard Forsythe reported that the female Barred Owl on his =20
>> Wolfville Ridge
>> property, laid her first egg today,  Mar 16.
>> He says this is not the earliest laying-date he has recorded among =20=

>> his owls.
>> The earliest was Mar 13.
>> Cheers,
>> Judy Tufts
>> Judy Tufts
>> Wolfville NS
>> <<<<<<<<<

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