[NatureNS] Pitcher Plant study

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 06:02:44 -0800
From: Margaret Fraser <m_fraser65@yahoo.ca>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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The bogs around Louisbourg usually have them. Cheers,=0A=0AMargaret=0A=0ASe=
nt from Yahoo Mail on Android=0A=0AFrom:"Eleanor Lindsay" <kelindsay135@gma=
il.com>=0ADate:Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 8:04 am=0ASubject:Re: [NatureNS] Pitche=
r Plant study=0A=0AThere are also lots to be found around the Peggy's Cove =
coastline. =0A=0AEleanor Lindsay =0ASt Margarets Bay =0A=0AOn 19/01/2016 3:=
03 PM, Randy Lauff wrote: =0A=0AAll, =0A=0AThere's a wide-ranging study of =
Pitcher Plants going on, and the =0Ainvestigators have asked... =0A=0AWe ar=
e still deciding on specific sites, but I will certainly be in touch =0Aif =
we plan to sample in Nova Scotia again.=A0 We are trying to increase sites =
=0Aalong a latitudinal gradient, so if you have any additional sites in min=
d =0Awith 15+ (preferably 24+) non-clonal plants that we can sample leaves =
for =0Agenetic analysis, microbial community analysis, and a couple other =
=0Aanalyses, that information would be great to have. =0AThe only site I kn=
ow of that they worked with in NS is just outside the =0ABonnet Lake Barren=
s WPA, near Canso. Pitcher Plants are uncommon here in =0AAntigonish Co. (a=
t least I don't know of many sites with lots of plants), =0Aso I put it out=
 there to you folks...if you know of any sites, please =0Acontact the inves=
tigator (below) directly. I assume that to avoid =0Apaperwork, sites outsid=
e of protected areas would be preferred, but don't =0Ahesitate to include t=
hose, too. =0A=0AThanks, =0ARandy =0A=0A*Alicia McGrew* =0A=0A*PhD Student,=
 Interdisciplinary Ecology* =0A=0A*University of Florida // School of Natur=
al Resources and Environment* =0A=0A*Baiser Lab of Community Ecology* =0A=
=0A*alicia.mcgrew@ufl.edu <alicia.mcgrew@ufl.edu>* =0A=0A__________________=
_______________ =0ARF Lauff =0AWay in the boonies of =0AAntigonish County, =
NS. =0A=0A=0A=0A=0AOn 19/01/2016 3:03 PM, Randy Lauff wrote:=0A=0AAll, Ther=
e's a wide-ranging study of Pitcher Plants going on, and the investigators =
have asked... We are still deciding on specific sites, but I will certainly=
 be in touch if we plan to sample in Nova Scotia again. We are trying to in=
crease sites along a latitudinal gradient, so if you have any additional si=
tes in mind with 15+ (preferably 24+) non-clonal plants that we can sample =
leaves for genetic analysis, microbial community analysis, and a couple oth=
er analyses, that information would be great to have. The only site I know =
of that they worked with in NS is just outside the Bonnet Lake Barrens WPA,=
 near Canso. Pitcher Plants are uncommon here in Antigonish Co. (at least I=
 don't know of many sites with lots of plants), so I put it out there to yo=
u folks...if you know of any sites, please contact the investigator (below)=
 directly. I assume that to avoid paperwork, sites outside of protected are=
as would be preferred, but don't hesitate to include those,
 too. Thanks, Randy *Alicia McGrew* *PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Ecology=
* *University of Florida // School of Natural Resources and Environment* *B=
aiser Lab of Community Ecology* *alicia.mcgrew@ufl.edu <alicia.mcgrew@ufl.e=
du>* _________________________________ RF Lauff Way in the boonies of Antig=
onish County, NS. =0A=0A=0A
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0"><tr><td valign=3D"t=
op">The bogs around Louisbourg usually have them. Cheers,<div id=3D"yMail_c=
ursorElementTracker_0.45205831015482545">Margaret<br><br><p><a href=3D"http=
s://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=3DAndroid">Sent from Yahoo Mail on=
 Android</a></p> <hr><table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0=
"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=3D"top"> <div style=3D"font-family:Roboto, sans-=
serif;color:#7e7d80;"><b>From</b>:"Eleanor Lindsay" &lt;kelindsay135@gmail.=
com&gt;<br><b>Date</b>:Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 8:04 am<br><b>Subject</b>:Re: [=
NatureNS] Pitcher Plant study<br><br></div> =0A    There are also lots to b=
e found around the Peggy's Cove coastline.=0A    <br clear=3D"none">=0A    =
<br clear=3D"none">=0A    Eleanor Lindsay=0A    <br clear=3D"none">=0A    S=
t Margarets Bay=0A    <br clear=3D"none">=0A    <br clear=3D"none">=0A    O=
n 19/01/2016 3:03 PM, Randy Lauff wrote:=0A    <br clear=3D"none">=0A    <b=
lockquote type=3D"cite" style=3D"color:#000000;">All,=0A      <br clear=3D"=
none">=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      There's a wide-ranging study of =
Pitcher Plants going on, and the=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      invest=
igators have asked...=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      <br clear=3D"none=
">=0A      We are still deciding on specific sites, but I will certainly be=
=0A      in touch=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      if we plan to sample =
in Nova Scotia again.&nbsp; We are trying to=0A      increase sites=0A     =
 <br clear=3D"none">=0A      along a latitudinal gradient, so if you have a=
ny additional sites=0A      in mind=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      wit=
h 15+ (preferably 24+) non-clonal plants that we can sample=0A      leaves =
for=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      genetic analysis, microbial communi=
ty analysis, and a couple other=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      analyse=
s, that information would be great to have.=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A =
     The only site I know of that they worked with in NS is just=0A      ou=
tside the=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      Bonnet Lake Barrens WPA, near=
 Canso. Pitcher Plants are uncommon=0A      here in=0A      <br clear=3D"no=
ne">=0A      Antigonish Co. (at least I don't know of many sites with lots =
of=0A      plants),=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      so I put it out the=
re to you folks...if you know of any sites,=0A      please=0A      <br clea=
r=3D"none">=0A      contact the investigator (below) directly. I assume tha=
t to avoid=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      paperwork, sites outside of =
protected areas would be preferred,=0A      but don't=0A      <br clear=3D"=
none">=0A      hesitate to include those, too.=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=
=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      Thanks,=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A=
      Randy=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A     =
 <b class=3D"moz-txt-star"><span class=3D"moz-txt-tag">*</span>Alicia=0A   =
     McGrew<span class=3D"moz-txt-tag">*</span></b>=0A      <br clear=3D"no=
ne">=0A      <br clear=3D"none">=0A      <b class=3D"moz-txt-star"><span cl=
ass=3D"moz-txt-tag">*</span>PhD=0A        Student, Interdisciplinary Ecolog=