[NatureNS] sparrows

From: GayleMacLean <duartess@EastLink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 08:10:54 -0400
References: <dbc5.4f67ec43.437fadb9@aol.com>
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Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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 My neighbour=2C across the street has a number of House Sparrows visiti=
ng his feeders year-round=2E Never any around my house=2C though=2E I th=
ink it is how =26 where hedges and trees are situated around a house tha=
t either attracts them or not=2E

Gayle MacLean


On 11/20/15 07=3A23 AM=2C Don MacNeill =3Cdonmacneill=40bellaliant=2Enet=
=3E wrote=3A =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E  =

=3E    =

=3E House Sparrows suffered a steep decline worldwide=2E  I still have 6=
 coming regularly to my feeders=2E
=3E =

=3E Don
=3E =

=3E  =

=3E Don MacNeill donmacneill=40bellaliant=2Enet(javascript=3Amain=2Ecomp=
=3E =

=3E On 19/11/2015 11=3A06 PM=2C Dave=26Jane Schlosberg wrote=3A
=3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E I presume Peter was referring to house sparrows=2E
=3E =3E And=2C yes=2C there=92s been a number of us wondering about that=
 for some time=2E
=3E =3E Dave S=2E=2E=2E=2E
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E From=3A GayleMacLean(javascript=3Amain=2Ecompose() =

=3E =3E Sent=3A Thursday=2C November 19=2C 2015 9=3A37 PM
=3E =3E To=3A naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca(javascript=3Amain=2Ecompose(=
) =

=3E =3E Subject=3A Re=3A =5BNatureNS=5D sparrows
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E There are a fair number of Song Sparrows around our neighbourhoo=
d=2C (Glenwood Avenue)=3B I saw one White-throated Sparrow a week or so=2C=
 ago=2E Mind you=2C Starlings=2C which are around here year round=2C are=
 very common=2C and are seen in large numbers=2E=2E=2E they are certainl=
y prolific breeders=2C that=27s for sure!
=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E Gayle MacLean
=3E =3E Dartmouth
=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E On 11/19/15 07=3A03 PM=2C Hubcove=40aol=2Ecom(javascript=3Amain=2E=
compose() wrote=3A =

=3E =3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =3E   =

=3E =3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =3E    =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =3E In Halifax today and a friend was wondering why sparrows hav=
e virtually disappeared in the city=2E While starlings are obviously flo=
urishing=2E Wondered whether anyone had the answer=2E
=3E =3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =3E Peter Stow =

=3E =3E =3E Hubbards
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E  =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =


Content-type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
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=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3BMy neighbour=2C across the street has a number of Hou=
se Sparrows visiting his feeders year-round=2E Never any around my house=
=2C though=2E I think it is how =26amp=3B where hedges and trees are sit=
uated around a house that either attracts them or not=2E=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=
=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EGayle MacLean=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EDartmout=
SPAN=3EOn 11/20/15 07=3A23 AM=2C =3CB class=3Dname=3EDon MacNeill =3C/B=3E=
=26lt=3Bdonmacneill=40bellaliant=2Enet=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/SPAN=3E
=3CBLOCKQUOTE class=3DiwcQuote style=3D=22PADDING-LEFT=3A 13px=3B MARGIN=
-LEFT=3A 0px=3B BORDER-LEFT=3A =2300f 1px solid=22 cite=3Dmid=3A564F01AE=
=2E1020805=40bellaliant=2Enet type=3D=22cite=22=3E
=3CDIV class=3D=22mimepart text html=22=3E=3CSPAN=3E
=3CTD bgColor=3D=23ffffff text=3D=22=23000000=22=3E
=3CP=3E=3CFONT face=3DCalibri=3EHouse Sparrows suffered a steep decline =
worldwide=2E=26nbsp=3B I still have 6 coming regularly to my feeders=2E=3C=
br /=3E=3Cbr /=3EDon=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/FONT=3E
=3CDIV class=3Dmoz-signature=3EDon MacNeill =3Ca class=3Dmoz-txt-link-ab=
breviated href=3D=22javascript=3Amain=2Ecompose(=27new=27=2C =27t=3Ddonm=
acneill=40bellaliant=2Enet=27)=22 =3Edonmacneill=40bellaliant=2Enet=3C/A=
=3E=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV class=3Dmoz-cite-prefix=3EOn 19/11/2015 11=3A06 PM=2C=
 Dave=26amp=3BJane Schlosberg wrote=3A=3Cbr /=3E=3C/DIV=3E=3CBLOCKQUOTE =
cite=3Dmid=3A0E05318180784C29BA53FC9F33350F0E=40DavidPC type=3D=22cite=22=
=3CDIV dir=3Dltr=3E
=3CDIV style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 12pt=3B FONT-FAMILY=3A =27Calibri=27=3B C=
OLOR=3A =23000000=22=3E
=3CDIV=3EI presume Peter was referring to house sparrows=2E=3C/DIV=3E=3C=
DIV=3EAnd=2C yes=2C there=92s been a number of us wondering about that f=
or some time=2E=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EDave S=2E=2E=2E=2E=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV sty=
=22Calibri=22=3B FONT-WEIGHT=3A normal=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT-STY=
LE=3A normal=3B DISPLAY=3A inline=27=3E
=3CDIV style=3D=22FONT=3A 10pt tahoma=22=3E
=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV style=3D=22BACKGROUND=3A =23f5f5f5=22=
=3CDIV style=3D=22font-color=3A black=22=3E=3CB=3EFrom=3A=3C/B=3E =3CA t=
itle=3Dduartess=40EastLink=2Eca href=3D=22javascript=3Amain=2Ecompose(=27=
new=27=2C =27t=3Dduartess=40EastLink=2Eca=27)=22 moz-do-not-send=3D=22tr=
ue=22=3EGayleMacLean=3C/A=3E =3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=3CB=3ESent=3A=3C/B=3E T=
hursday=2C November 19=2C 2015 9=3A37 PM=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=3CB=3ETo=3A=3C=
/B=3E =3CA title=3Dnaturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca href=3D=22javascript=3A=
main=2Ecompose(=27new=27=2C =27t=3Dnaturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=27)=22 =
moz-do-not-send=3D=22true=22=3Enaturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=3C/A=3E =3C=
/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=3CB=3ESubject=3A=3C/B=3E Re=3A =5BNatureNS=5D sparrows=3C=
=3A =22Calibri=22=3B FONT-WEIGHT=3A normal=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-STYLE=3A normal=3B DISPLAY=3A inline=27=3E
=3CDIV=3EThere are a fair number of Song Sparrows around our neighbourho=
od=2C (Glenwood Avenue)=3B I saw one White-throated Sparrow a week or so=
=2C ago=2E Mind you=2C Starlings=2C which are around here year round=2C =
are very common=2C and are seen in large numbers=2E=2E=2E they are certa=
inly prolific breeders=2C that=27s for sure!=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=
=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EGayle MacLean=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EDartmouth=3C/DIV=3E=3C=
DIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CSPAN=3EOn 11/19/15 07=3A03 PM=2C =3Ca class=
=3Dmoz-txt-link-abbreviated href=3D=22javascript=3Amain=2Ecompose(=27new=
=27=2C =27t=3DHubcove=40aol=2Ecom=27)=22 =3EHubcove=40aol=2Ecom=3C/A=3E =
wrote=3A=3C/SPAN=3E =

=3CBLOCKQUOTE class=3DiwcQuote style=3D=22PADDING-LEFT=3A 13px=3B MARGIN=
-LEFT=3A 0px=3B BORDER-LEFT=3A =2300f 1px solid=22 cite=3Dmid=3Adbc5=2E4=
f67ec43=2E437fadb9=40aol=2Ecom type=3D=22cite=22=3E
=3CDIV class=3D=22mimepart text html=22=3E=3CSPAN=3E
=3CMETA name=3DGENERATOR content=3D=22MSHTML=26=2313=3B=26=2310=3B      =
=3CTABLE style=3D=22COLOR=3A =23000000=22=3E
=3CTD id=3Drole=5Fbody style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 10pt=3B FONT-FAMILY=3A ar=
ial=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=22 leftmargin=3D=227=22 topmargin=3D=227=22 ri=
ghtmargin=3D=227=22 bottommargin=3D=227=22=3E