[NatureNS] Northern Saw-whet Owl

From: Bernard Burke <bernieb1@EastLink.ca>
To: n8r <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 23:22:42 -0300
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 Just returned a few minutes ago at my apartment building when we heard a robin, not singing but just vocalizing. Found it unusual to hear one so late, and as we made our way to the back door of the building I was scanning the trees and there was just enough light to pick out a Saw-whet Owl in a nearby tree.
Bernard Burke

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<DIV>&nbsp;Just returned a few minutes ago at my apartment building when we heard a robin, not singing but just vocalizing.&nbsp;Found it unusual to hear&nbsp;one so late, and as we made our way to the back door of the building I was scanning the trees and there was just enough light to pick out a Saw-whet Owl in a nearby tree.</DIV><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><DIV>Bernard Burke</DIV><DIV>Dartmouth</DIV>


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