[NatureNS] RBA Input

From: Eric Mills <E.Mills@Dal.Ca>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Thread-Topic: [NatureNS] RBA Input
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Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 13:57:50 +0000
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Lance and the banders had a flyover Mississippi Kite early last fall.


Eric L. Mills
Lower Rose Bay
Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia
From: Richard Stern
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2015 09:53
To: NatureNS
Reply To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] RBA Input


The Mississippi Kite wasn't in 2014 - it was many years ago. There were 3 o=
r possibly 4 Swainson's hawks in the province in 2014.you could include tho=

Richard Stern
Sent from my Android device

On Feb 6, 2015 9:20 AM, "Ian Manning" <ianmanning4@gmail.com<mailto:ianmann=
ing4@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm working on an assignment for school. The goal is to build, and host a m=
ap online via the ArcGIS Online environment. I thought it would be interest=
ing to make a map of the top 10-20 bird sightings of 2014 in NS. I was wond=
ering if anyone could offer ideas of what birds to include.

The ones that stand out best to me are:

1. Dusky Flycatcher in Greenwich
2. Eurasian Kestrel in Hartlen Point
3. Western Tanager in Middleton
4. Zone-Tailed Hawk in Brier Island
5. Mississippi Kite, Brier Island

These are just the ones that are jumping to my mind. Are there any that you=
 would like to see included? Is there a way to tease this information out o=
f eBird without scrolling through pages and pages of records? I tried the A=
BA website, but I'm having an easier time finding recent information than y=
ear-long summary data with locations.

Thank you,

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Lance and the banders had a flyover Mississippi Kite early last fall.</div>
<div style=3D"width:100%; font-size:initial; font-family:Calibri,'Slate Pro=
',sans-serif; color:rgb(31,73,125); text-align:initial; background-color:rg=
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Eric L. Mills <br>
Lower Rose Bay<br>
Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia <br>
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<div><b>From: </b>Richard Stern</div>
<div><b>Sent: </b>Friday, February 6, 2015 09:53</div>
<div><b>To: </b>NatureNS</div>
<div><b>Reply To: </b>naturens@chebucto.ns.ca</div>
<div><b>Subject: </b>Re: [NatureNS] RBA Input</div>
<div style=3D"border-style:solid none none; border-top-color:rgb(186,188,20=
9); border-top-width:1pt; font-size:initial; text-align:initial; background=
<p dir=3D"ltr">Hi,&nbsp; </p>
<p dir=3D"ltr">The Mississippi Kite wasn't in 2014 - it was many years ago.=
 There were 3 or possibly 4 Swainson's hawks in the province in 2014.you co=
uld include those.
<p dir=3D"ltr">Richard Stern <br>
Sent from my Android device </p>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Feb 6, 2015 9:20 AM, &quot;Ian Manning&quot; =
&lt;ianmanning4@gmail.com&gt; =
wrote:<br type=3D"attribution">
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex; border-left:1=
px #ccc solid; padding-left:1ex">
<div dir=3D"ltr">Hi All,
<div>I'm working on an assignment for school. The goal is to build, and hos=
t a map online via the ArcGIS Online environment. I thought it would be int=
eresting to make a map of the top 10-20 bird sightings of 2014 in NS. I was=
 wondering if anyone could offer
 ideas of what birds to include.&nbsp;</div>
<div>The ones that stand out best to me are:</div>
<div>1. Dusky Flycatcher in Greenwich</div>
<div>2. Eurasian Kestrel in Hartlen Point&nbsp;</div>
<div>3. Western Tanager in Middleton</div>
<div>4. Zone-Tailed Hawk in Brier Island</div>
<div>5. Mississippi Kite, Brier Island&nbsp;</div>
<div>These are just the ones that are jumping to my mind. Are there any tha=
t you would like to see included? Is there a way to tease this information =
out of eBird without scrolling through pages and pages of records? I tried =
the ABA website, but I'm having
 an easier time finding recent information than year-long summary data with=
Thank you,</div>


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