[NatureNS] Martinique Beach walk with Ian McLaren - cancelled for Saturday, April 12

From: "David Currie" <david_currie@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "NSRBA" <NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com>,
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:43:09 -0300
Importance: Normal
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
Original-Recipient: rfc822;"| (cd /csuite/info/Environment/FNSN/MList; /csuite/lib/arch2html)"

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Hi All

The Planned NSBS Martinique Beach walk for tomorrow morning has been =
cancelled due to the windy and rainy forecast and will not be =
re-scheduled.  It is calling for improving conditions later on Saturday =
and Sunday so I=92m sure there will be a few new migrants observed once =
this system passes. Hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy.


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<BODY dir=3Dltr>
<DIV dir=3Dltr>
<DIV style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'; COLOR: #000000">
<DIV>Hi All</DIV>
<DIV>The Planned NSBS Martinique Beach walk for tomorrow morning has =
cancelled due to the windy and rainy forecast and will not be=20
re-scheduled.&nbsp; It is calling for improving conditions later on =
Saturday and=20
Sunday so I=92m sure there will be a few new migrants observed once this =
passes. Hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy.</DIV>


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