[NatureNS] coppicing for firewood

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From: nancy dowd <nancypdowd@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 08:36:06 -0400
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In the Winter 2013 edition of Northern Woodlands magazine there was an article about the use of coppicing to produce firewood (Coppicing Firewood by
Brett R. McLeod p71). This short piece is not available online yet (your public library may get this publication however) but the general method discussed by the author is outlined on this UK site where coppicing seems to be more common: 

The author says he produces 3-4" diameter firewood on his New England woodlot on an 8-12yr cycle using birch, maple, oak etc this way. He suggests the permanently immature coppiced trees make good wildlife habitat as well.

It sounds like like a sustainable method of firewood production to me and I wonder if it is practiced much in NA? Could it be used on a large scale? I might try this out on a few trees when cutting firewood this fall.


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