[NatureNS] Hartlen Pt., geese, etc.

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:01:38 -0400
From: iamclar@Dal.Ca
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The 9 Snow and the Ross's Goose were as usual on the fairway next the  
entrance road to the golf course at ca. 10:00, They were not there at  
11:10. There were a couple of photographers in the area. I hope the  
geese weren't flushed - we have plenty of great photos of these birds,  
and don't need close-ups.

Mostly for the walk, I went down to Back Cove, where there were about  
140 Canada Geese, all "Atlantic" resting at high tide. Although they  
will graze on fields, they seem to prefer Eel-Grass, availble only at  
lower tide.

The only small passerines I found in the cattail stands in Back Cove  
were a couple of Song Sparrows and four flighty and silent (?!)  
Bl.-capped Chickadees.

Cheers, Ian

Ian McLaren

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