[NatureNS] A few days spent on Brier Island

Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2012 22:46:38 -0300
From: "Jeffrey Ogden" <ogdenjb@gov.ns.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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One interesting thing about those ditches, when collecting insects in 2002-2004, beetles within the raised bog consisted mainly of native species until you got nearer the cuts....then European introduced species dominated the pitfall traps

just my 2 cents

Jeffrey Ogden
Integrated Pest Management
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
P.O.Box 130 Shubenacadie, N.S.
B0N 2H0
ph-1 902 758 7015
fx- 1 902 758 3210
email ogdenjb@gov.ns.ca

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