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Dear All, Aug 26, 2012 Tonight while stacking dishes to prepare them for washing, after having had supper in the yard, I found an attractive Carrion Beetle in the kitchen sink. Not a usual habitat unless the sink is really dirty. I took it to be Nicrophorus tomentosus and released it in the yard. It was able to walk but seemed unable to fly. And about 10 minutes later I wondered if it might be somethng else, went out to look for it, and it was still within inches of where I had put it. After a more careful inspection, leading to the same ID, I returned it to the yard and this time if flew off at once. Along with supper I had a bottle of Coopers Dark Ale and had rinsed the bottle out with tap water shortly before I found the beetle. I guess that it came in to the house inside the bottle and being shaken violently with water probably wet the wings enough to prevent flying. Yt, Dave Webster, Kentville
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