[NatureNS] FW: Field trip on the 24th

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 20:44:46 +0000
Importance: Normal
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Hi all:
If anyone from Halifax/area is planning to go the Bacarro/Blanche Field Tri=
p on Mar. 24 for the Nova Scotia Bird Society and can help Julia out it wou=
ld be appreciated.  All the best=2C
James R. Hirtle

Date: Fri=2C 16 Mar 2012 17:17:45 -0300
Subject: Field trip on the 24th
From: amoghasiddhi@gmail.com
To: jrhbirder@hotmail.com


My name is Julia=2C and I would like to go to the Baccaro and Blanche Penin=
sula trip.

I live in Halifax=2C and I was wondering of you know of any one from here w=
ho might be going so I can share a ride with this person.

Thank you for your time=2C and I hope I'll be able to go on this trip=2C it=
 sounds very interesting and I've never been in that part of NS.

Best regards=2C


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.hmmessage P
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<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>
Hi all:<BR>
If anyone&nbsp=3Bfrom Halifax/area is&nbsp=3Bplanning to go the Bacarro/Bla=
nche Field Trip on Mar. 24 for the Nova Scotia Bird Society and can help Ju=
lia out it would be appreciated.&nbsp=3B All the best=2C<BR>
James R. Hirtle<BR>
<DIV id=3DSkyDrivePlaceholder></DIV>
<HR id=3DstopSpelling>
Date: Fri=2C 16 Mar 2012 17:17:45 -0300<BR>Subject: Field trip on the 24th<=
BR>From: amoghasiddhi@gmail.com<BR>To: jrhbirder@hotmail.com<BR><BR>Hi=2C
<DIV>My name is Julia=2C and I would like to go to the Baccaro and Blanche =
Peninsula trip.</DIV>
<DIV>I live in Halifax=2C and I was wondering of you know of any one from h=
ere who might be going so I can share a ride with this person.</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you for your time=2C and I hope I'll be able to go on this trip=
=2C it sounds very interesting and I've never been in that part of NS.</DIV=
<DIV>Best regards=2C</DIV>
<DIV>Julia</DIV>-- <BR>
<DIV><IMG alt=3DAudubon-google-doodle-007.jpg src=3D"https://mail.google.co=
<DIV><BR></DIV>Enviemos siempre correos colectivos Con Copia Oculta (CCO) y=
 tomemos unos segundos para borrar TODAS las direcciones anteriores que pos=
ee el mail. Debemos evitar que las direcciones e-mail de nuestros amigos=2C=
 y las nuestras=2C se usen para invadir las casillas de correos de SPAM y v=
irus. <BR>Por una comunicaci=F3n virtual responsable<BR></DIV></DIV> 		 	  =


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