[NatureNS] Milkweed

From: AngelaJoudrey <aljoudrey@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 19:43:40 -0300
References: <096FE474-3B40-490A-BAE2-9A103A30463A@eastlink.ca>
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Thank you all for your points to ponder and info=2E

The milkweed I=27m thinking of is tall with purple flower heads=2E

I didn=27t know about allergies=2E =


On 08/15/11=2C Paul MacDonald  =3Cpaulrita2001=40yahoo=2Ecom=3E wrote=3A=

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E Larry - is there more than 1 species of Milkweed in NS=3F
=3E I see lots growing along the stillwaters and I=27m not sure it is th=
e same
=3E plant you have in the Valley=3F
=3E Thanks
=3E Paul
=3E =

=3E =

=3E From=3A Larry Bogan =3Clarry=40bogan=2Eca=3E
=3E To=3A naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca
=3E Sent=3A Monday=2C August 15=2C 2011 6=3A33=3A20 PM
=3E Subject=3A Re=3A
=3E  =5BNatureNS=5D Milkweed
=3E =

=3E Angela=2C
=3E =A0  We have dry sandy soils here in Cambridge and the common milkwe=
ed grows and spread prolifically=2E=A0 If you dig up a root that has nod=
es on it and plant it you will get milkweed=2E=A0 The seed is also viabl=
e and we get milkweed sprouting years after the seed floated onto our la=
wn=2E=A0 We have also pulled up plants with small roots and put them in =
water to have them develop more roots=2E
=3E =

=3E =A0  If you do get the milkweed to take and grow=2E Be sure to contr=
ol its spread=2E It will spread by underground roots as well as its air-=
born seed=2E=A0 I would suggest not letting the seed pods mature unless =
you need the seed=2E Pull up any milkweed that spreads outside the area =
you want it=2E
=3E =

=3E Larry Bogan
=3E Cambridge Station
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E On 15/08/2011 6=3A13 PM=2C AngelaJoudrey wrote=3A
=3E =3E Hi there=2E
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Has anyone transplanted common milkweed into their home gardens=3F=

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Is
=3E  there a soil type it prefers=3F
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Now that I know what it looks like=2C I see it everywhere and wo=
uld love to have some at home=2E
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Thanks
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Angela in Windsor =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=22The significant problems of our time cannot be solved by the same lev=
el of thinking that created them=2E=22
Albert Einstein

=22When one tugs at a single thing in nature=2C he finds it attached to =
the rest of the world=2E=22
John Muir

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Thank you all for your points to ponder and info=2E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3ET=
he milkweed I=27m thinking of is tall with purple flower heads=2E=3Cbr /=
=3E=3Cbr /=3EI didn=27t know about allergies=2E =3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3EAnge=
la=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 08/15/11=2C =3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3E=
Paul MacDonald =3C/b=3E =26lt=3Bpaulrita2001=40yahoo=2Ecom=26gt=3B wrote=
=3A=3C/span=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=22mid=3A1313446325=2E18927=2EYahooMa=
ilNeo=40web36201=2Email=2Emud=2Eyahoo=2Ecom=22 class=3D=22iwcQuote=22 st=
yle=3D=22border-left=3A 1px solid rgb(0=2C 0=2C 255)=3B padding-left=3A =
13px=3B margin-left=3A 0pt=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv class=3D=22m=
imepart text html=22=3E=3Cspan=3E=3Cp=3E=3Ctable=3E=3Ctbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3C=
td=3E=3Cp=3E=3C/p=3E=3Cdiv style=3D=22color=3A rgb(0=2C 0=2C 0)=3B backg=
round-color=3A rgb(255=2C 255=2C 255)=3B font-family=3A times new roman=2C=
new york=2Ctimes=2Cserif=3B font-size=3A 12pt=3B=22=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cspan=3E=
Larry - is there more than 1 species of Milkweed in NS=3F=3C/span=3E=3C/=
div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cspan=3EI see lots growing along the stillwaters and I=27=
m not sure it is the same=3C/span=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cspan=3Eplant y=
ou have in the Valley=3F=3C/span=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cspan=3EThanks=3C=
br /=3E=3C/div=3E=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-family=3A =27=
times new roman=27=2C=27new york=27=2Ctimes=2Cserif=3B=22=3E=3Cdiv style=
=3D=22font-size=3A 12pt=3B font-family=3A =27times new roman=27=2C=27new=
 york=27=2Ctimes=2Cserif=3B=22=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=
=3E=3Chr size=3D=221=22 /=3E=3Cb=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-weight=3A bol=
d=3B=22=3EFrom=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/b=3E Larry Bogan =26lt=3Blarry=40bogan=2E=
ca=26gt=3B=3Cbr /=3E=3Cb=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-weight=3A bold=3B=22=3E=
To=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/b=3E naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=3Cbr /=3E=3Cb=3E=3C=
span style=3D=22font-weight=3A bold=3B=22=3ESent=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/b=3E M=
onday=2C August 15=2C 2011 6=3A33=3A20 PM=3Cbr /=3E=3Cb=3E=3Cspan style=3D=
=22font-weight=3A bold=3B=22=3ESubject=3A=3C/span=3E=3C/b=3E Re=3A
 =5BNatureNS=5D Milkweed=3Cbr /=3E=3C/font=3E=3Cbr /=3EAngela=2C=3Cbr /=3E=
=A0  We have dry sandy soils here in Cambridge and the common milkweed g=
rows and spread prolifically=2E=A0 If you dig up a root that has nodes o=
n it and plant it you will get milkweed=2E=A0 The seed is also viable an=
d we get milkweed sprouting years after the seed floated onto our lawn=2E=
=A0 We have also pulled up plants with small roots and put them in water=
 to have them develop more roots=2E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=A0  If you do ge=
t the milkweed to take and grow=2E Be sure to control its spread=2E It w=
ill spread by underground roots as well as its air-born seed=2E=A0 I wou=
ld suggest not letting the seed pods mature unless you need the seed=2E =
Pull up any milkweed that spreads outside the area you want it=2E=3Cbr /=
=3E=3Cbr /=3ELarry Bogan=3Cbr /=3ECambridge Station=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C=
br /=3E=3Cbr /=3EOn 15/08/2011 6=3A13 PM=2C AngelaJoudrey wrote=3A=3Cbr =
/=3E=26gt=3B Hi there=2E=3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B Has anyone=
 transplanted common milkweed into their home gardens=3F=3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B=
 =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B Is
 there a soil type it prefers=3F=3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B No=
w that I know what it looks like=2C I see it everywhere and would love t=
o have some at home=2E=3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B Thanks=3Cbr =
/=3E=26gt=3B =3Cbr /=3E=26gt=3B Angela in Windsor =3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C=
br /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/div=3E=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=3C/tbo=
--=3C/div=3E=26quot=3BThe significant problems of our time cannot be sol=
ved by the same level of thinking that created them=2E=26quot=3B=3Cbr /=3E=
Albert Einstein=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=26quot=3BWhen one tugs at a single t=
hing in nature=2C he finds it attached to the rest of the world=2E=26quo=
t=3B=3Cbr /=3EJohn Muir=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E


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