[NatureNS] Trip to Sambro Island on Saturday, 13 August

Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:57:03 -0300
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Forwarded from Gerry Lunn:

There is a rare chance to visit Sambro Island at the outer entrance 
to Halifax Harbour this Saturday.  It is a chance for a close look at 
North America's oldest surviving lighthouse and you can see where the 
MMA's big lens and oft-told ghost stories come from.

Boat Ride and Guided Tours of Sambro Island

Sponsored by The Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society & The 
Mainland South Heritage Society

Guided tours will be available sharing the history and lore of the 
island. The interior of the Sambro Lighthouse will not be open to the public.

Date: Saturday August 13

First boat leaves Sambro Government Wharf at 10 am.
Boats will leave the wharf approximately every 30 minutes
Last boat RETURNS from the Island at 4 pm.
Single ticket $20
Couple ticket $30
Family up to four people ticket $40 Children must be 8 years or over, 
accompanied by an adult, and wear a life jacket.

*** Bring drinking water, a jacket, and wear sturdy footwear.
*** Be prepared to climb up rocks and walk on rough paths.
*** Note that there are no facilities on the island.

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Forwarded from Gerry Lunn:<br><br>
There is a rare chance to visit Sambro Island at the outer entrance to
Halifax Harbour this Saturday.&nbsp; It is a chance for a close look at
North America's oldest surviving lighthouse and you can see where the
MMA's big lens and oft-told ghost stories come from.&nbsp; <br>
<b><u>Boat Ride and Guided Tours of Sambro Island<br><br>
</u></b>Sponsored by The Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society
&amp; The Mainland South Heritage Society<br><br>
Guided tours will be available sharing the history and lore of the
island. The interior of the Sambro Lighthouse will not be open to the
<b><u>Date: Saturday August 13<br><br>
</u></b><font face="Arial, Helvetica">First boat leaves Sambro Government
Wharf at 10 am.<br>
Boats will leave the wharf approximately every 30 minutes<br>
Last boat RETURNS from the Island at 4 pm.<br>
Single ticket $20<br>
Couple ticket $30<br>
Family up to four people ticket $40 </font>Children must be 8 years or
over, accompanied by an adult, and wear a life jacket.<br><br>
*** Bring drinking water, a jacket, and wear sturdy footwear.<br>
*** Be prepared to climb up rocks and walk on rough paths.<br>
*** Note that there are no facilities on the island.<br>


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