[NatureNS] Cedar Wax Wings in White Point

From: Marg Millard <mmillard@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 22:24:16 -0300
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We had three as well, last evening in our apple tree eating the petals. 
Interesting. they moved about and seemed to pick something else as well, 
maybe stamens? but were not taking an entire flower. I saw a few fly in 
tonight, could hear them as well so think there were more than three but was 
having to get at the mowing and that put them all up and I didn't get a 

We have had some interesting Hummingbird behavior. I have 7 birds the past 
couple days and last evening, the evening before and again this evening. 
They have congregated at the feeders and then in the closed area between the 
pine and fir in front of my "gallery" window. No fussing and no squabbling. 
There are three males and four females. During the afternoon and evening, 
they fed, sometimes a bit of fussing but for the most part none and there 
was some of the site swooping and the screeching of the feathers. There has 
been some mating.
There was a fresh from the nest Robin out this evening but a Raven swooped 
and took it. All the birds in the neighbourhood flew up in defense but that 
bird met its maker I am afraid.
Best regards,
Marg Millard. White Point, Queens 

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