[NatureNS] earliest hummingbird

From: Angela Joudrey* <aljoudrey@eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 15:24:41 -0300
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=3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A =27Times New Roman=27=3B font-size=3A 1=
6px=3B=22=3EThat=27s a great point about the diurnal cycle=2E I=27m goin=
g to throw that into a conversation tonight and astound my friends by ap=
pearing right some smart! I was thinking that the warmer weather might b=
ring them or any other bird earlier=2E=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5Fdirty=3D=22=22 /=3E=
=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5Fdirty=3D=22=22 /=3EOn another note=2C do pheasants have n=
ests on the ground=3F=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5Fdirty=3D=22=22 /=3E=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5Fdi=
rty=3D=22=22 /=3EThanks=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5Fdirty=3D=22=22 /=3E=3Cbr =5Fmoz=5F=
dirty=3D=22=22 /=3EAngela in Windsor=3Cbr /=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3Cspan=3EOn 04/=
09/10=2C =3Cb class=3D=22name=22=3EBob McDonald =3C/b=3E =26lt=3Bbobatho=
me=40hfx=2Eeastlink=2Eca=26gt=3B wrote=3A=3C/span=3E=3Cblockquote cite=3D=
=22mid=3A5A7BCF22AC934725A77BF2E019B30C6C=40desktop=22 class=3D=22iwcQuo=
te=22 style=3D=22border-left=3A 1px solid rgb(0=2C 0=2C 255)=3B padding-=
left=3A 13px=3B margin-left=3A 0pt=3B=22 type=3D=22cite=22=3E=3Cdiv clas=
s=3D=22mimepart text html=22=3E

=3Ctable=3E=3Ctbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3Cp=3E
=3C/p=3E=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3EIf you look carefully at the m=
aps for 2009 and for 2010=2C so =

far=2C there is not really a significant difference as far as Canada is =

=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3ELast year at this time=2C there=A0had =
been=A02 reports in =

Canada (s=2E Ontario)=2C while this year there have been 4 reports=2E=A0=
 Is this =

significant=3F=A0 I don=27t think so=2E=A0 As far as NS is concerned=2C =
there are =

no reports yet for 2010 while in 2009 the first reports came on April 20=
=2C 22=2C =

22=2C 23=2E=A0 April 20 is only 11 days away=2E=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3EMost migrating birds=A0time their migr=
ation according to =

the diurnal cycle (the length of the day) so just because we are experie=
ncing =

late spring-like weather here does not necessarily mean birds will arriv=
e here =

early=2E=A0 Those outliers which do arrive =26quot=3Bearly=26quot=3B=2C =
like the Ruby-crowned =

Kinglet that Suzanne and I saw and heard last Tuesday=2C may be more rea=
dily =

noticed since it was singing in the warm sunshine=2E=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E=

=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3EOverall=2C I am sceptical that our uns=
easonably warm weather =

here has any effect on the arrival timing of migrating birds=2E=3C/font=3E=
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3E=3C/font=3E=A0=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3ECheers=2C=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3E=3C/font=3E=A0=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3EBob McDonald=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3EHalifax=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E
=3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont size=3D=222=22=3E=3C/font=3E=A0=3C/div=3E
=3Cblockquote dir=3D=22ltr=22 style=3D=22border-left=3A 2px solid rgb(0=2C=
 0=2C 0)=3B padding-left=3A 5px=3B padding-right=3A 0px=3B margin-left=3A=
 5px=3B margin-right=3A 0px=3B=22=3E
  =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font=
-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line=
-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B=
=22=3E----- Original Message ----- =3C/div=3E
  =3Cdiv style=3D=22background=3A rgb(228=2C 228=2C 228) none repeat scr=
oll 0=25 0=25=3B font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font-va=
riant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line-he=
ight=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B =
-moz-background-clip=3A -moz-initial=3B -moz-background-origin=3A -moz-i=
nitial=3B -moz-background-inline-policy=3A -moz-initial=3B=22=3E=3Cb=3EF=
rom=3A=3C/b=3E =

  Hans =

  Toom =26lt=3BHtoom=40hfx=2Eeastlink=2Eca=26gt=3B =3C/div=3E
  =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font=
-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line=
-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B=
=22=3E=3Cb=3ETo=3A=3C/b=3E naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca =26lt=3Bnaturen=
s=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=26gt=3B =3C/div=3E
  =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font=
-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line=
-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B=
=22=3E=3Cb=3ESent=3A=3C/b=3E Friday=2C April 09=2C 2010 12=3A22 =

  =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font=
-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line=
-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B=
=22=3E=3Cb=3ESubject=3A=3C/b=3E Re=3A =5BNatureNS=5D earliest =

  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cbr /=3E=3C/div=3E
  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=3EHi all=2C=3C/font=
  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=3E=3C/font=3E=A0=3C=
  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=3EThe =3Cb=3ERuby-t=
hroated Hummingbirds=3C/b=3E =

  are about 1400 kilometres further north this year than last year=2E=A0=
 Last =

  year they were crossing the North Carolina border in early April while=
 this =

  year they are probably in Maine already=2E=3C/font=3E=3C/div=3E
  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=3E=3C/font=3E=A0=3C=
  =3Cdiv=3E=3Cfont face=3D=22Arial=22 size=3D=222=22=3EHans=3C/font=3E=3C=
  =3Cblockquote style=3D=22border-left=3A 2px solid rgb(0=2C 0=2C 0)=3B =
padding-left=3A 5px=3B padding-right=3A 0px=3B margin-left=3A 5px=3B mar=
gin-right=3A 0px=3B=22=3E
    =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B fo=
nt-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B li=
ne-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A norma=
l=3B=22=3E----- Original Message ----- =3C/div=3E
    =3Cdiv style=3D=22background=3A rgb(228=2C 228=2C 228) none repeat s=
croll 0=25 0=25=3B font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B font-=
variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B line-=
height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A normal=3B=
 -moz-background-clip=3A -moz-initial=3B -moz-background-origin=3A -moz-=
initial=3B -moz-background-inline-policy=3A -moz-initial=3B=22=3E=3Cb=3E=
From=3A=3C/b=3E =

    Angela =

    Joudrey* =26lt=3Baljoudrey=40eastlink=2Eca=26gt=3B =3C/div=3E
    =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B fo=
nt-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B li=
ne-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A norma=
l=3B=22=3E=3Cb=3ETo=3A=3C/b=3E naturens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca =26lt=3Bnat=
urens=40chebucto=2Ens=2Eca=26gt=3B =3C/div=3E
    =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B fo=
nt-variant=3A normal=3B font-weight=3A normal=3B font-size=3A 10pt=3B li=
ne-height=3A normal=3B font-size-adjust=3A none=3B font-stretch=3A norma=
l=3B=22=3E=3Cb=3ESent=3A=3C/b=3E Friday=2C April 09=2C 2010 11=3A54 =

    =3Cdiv style=3D=22font-family=3A arial=3B font-style=3A normal=3B fo=