[NatureNS] Re: Halifax nighthawk(s)

Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 21:50:12 -0300
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: "P.L. Chalmers" <plchalmers@ns.sympatico.ca>
References: <82CE248093EF4C72813D32AF34895E45@D43JG391>
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Hi there,

         Jean Hartley and I went for a walk around the Frog Pond in 
Fleming Park, Jollimore late this afternoon.  Lots of baby birds in 
evidence.  The best sighting though was of three Common Nighthawks 
high over the pond, the first that either of us had seen this 
year.  As Bernard said, as usual they were heard before they were seen.

         Fleming Park is in the southwestern suburbs of Halifax, and 
I usually see C. Nighthawks over the Frog Pond several times during 
the summer.   However I agree with Bob that in the past nighthawks 
were right in the city (i.e. on the peninsula) more often than they 
are now.  I used to hear them overhead on warm evenings when I was 
sitting out in my garden.  I haven't experienced that 
lately.  (Haven't had any warm summer evenings yet, either ...)


         Patricia L. Chalmers

At 02:58 PM 28/06/2009, Bob McDonaldwrote:
>My feeling is that there appears to be fewer Common Nighthawks 
>around in the city than there were even a few years ago.  In the 
>past we heard them occasionally after a Neptune or a symphony 
>performance and quite regularly in the evening around home in 
>Clayton Park.  But not for the past 3-4 years.
>Aerial insectivores are being particularly hard hit recently for a 
>number of reasons, I suspect.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:bbartlett@eastlink.ca>Brian Bartlett
>To: <mailto:naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
>Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 2:30 PM
>Subject: [NatureNS] Halifax nighthawk(s)
>Last night between about midnight and 1 a.m. in West End Halifax I 
>heard a nighthawk (or nighthawks?) peent-ing many times high in the 
>darkness. Are Nova Scotian nighthawks mostly still heard in rural 
>areas, or are they now more common than they used to be in cities & towns?

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Hi there,<br><br>
Hartley and I went for a walk around the Frog Pond in Fleming Park,
Jollimore late this afternoon.&nbsp; Lots of baby birds in
evidence.&nbsp; The best sighting though was of three Common Nighthawks
high over the pond, the first that either of us had seen this year.&nbsp;
As Bernard said, as usual they were heard before they were seen.<br><br>
Park is in the southwestern suburbs of Halifax, and I usually see C.
Nighthawks over the Frog Pond several times during the
summer.&nbsp;&nbsp; However I agree with Bob that in the past nighthawks
were right in the city (i.e. on the peninsula) more often than they are
now.&nbsp; I used to hear them overhead on warm evenings when I was
sitting out in my garden.&nbsp; I haven't experienced that lately.&nbsp;
(Haven't had any warm summer evenings yet, either ...)<br><br>
L. Chalmers<br>
At 02:58 PM 28/06/2009, <font size=2>Bob McDonald</font>wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2>My feeling is that
there appears to be fewer Common Nighthawks around in the city than there
were even a few years ago.&nbsp; In the past we heard them occasionally
after a Neptune or a symphony performance and quite regularly in the
evening around home in Clayton Park.&nbsp; But not for the past 3-4
Aerial insectivores are being particularly hard hit recently for a number
of reasons, I suspect.<br><br>

<dd>----- Original Message ----- <br>

<dd>From:</b> Brian Bartlett


<dd>Sent:</b> Sunday, June 28, 2009 2:30 PM<br>

<dd>Subject:</b> [NatureNS] Halifax nighthawk(s)<br><br>

<dd><font size=2>Last night between about midnight and 1 a.m. in West End
Halifax I heard a nighthawk (or nighthawks?) peent</i>-ing many times
high in the darkness. Are Nova Scotian nighthawks mostly still heard in
rural areas, or are they now more common than they used to be in cities
&amp; towns?<br>



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