[NatureNS] Fwd: Reliably calling loons in HRM

Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 11:15:51 -0300
From: iamclar@dal.ca
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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I got this interesting request. I haven't been tracking loons recently. Does
anyone know where there are reliably vocalizing loons near [publically
accessible?] sites in the HRM?

Answer to me or to Ryan Kerney as you wish.

Cheers, Ian McLaren

----- Forwarded message from ryankerney@gmail.com -----
    Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 06:31:26 -0300
    Reply-To: Ryan Kerney <ryankerney@gmail.com>

[Snip, snip . . .]

I'm writing to ask your recommendation for any loon sites in the HRM.
A friend of mine who is a jazz musician wants to record them for a
musical composition. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

all the best,

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