[NatureNS] Dead Seals

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Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:39:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: jan foley <jfoley572001@yahoo.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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=A0=A0 There were 8-10, primarily white coats,=A0on Martinique and Clam har=
bor beach as well, is strewn with them...Our boys were surfing on the weeke=
nd and reported the carnage,...our oldest has been working as an O/C with t=
he Canadian Coast Guard on the Louis St. Laurent and has observed so many=
=A0herds of seals on route, alive and other wise,..and since the seal hunt =
so many just left dead on the pack ice. He believes many of these drifted d=
own the coast=A0with the ice pack,..as it moved out and melted in the last =
2-3 weeks..=A0 He has been icebreaking the ferry lanes in the eastern coast=
al region since early February.=0A=0AJ Foley=0AHd Jeddore=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A___=
_____________________________=0AFrom: Richard Stern <sternrichard@gmail.com=
>=0ATo: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca=0ASent: Monday, April 13, 2009 7:45:51 PM=
=0ASubject: Re: [NatureNS] Dead Seal=0A=0AThere were at least 4 dead seals =
on Pond Cove Beach this w/e. All were young, and headless - similar to thos=
e described on the CBC news at Lawrencetown Beach this evening. They were p=
roviding a treat for the local Turkey Vultures. I have no idea what killed =
them., but perhaps it's a province-wide phenomenon.=0A=0ARichard=0A=0A=0AOn=
 Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Terri Crane <terri.crane@ns.sympatico.ca> wr=
ote:=0A=0AThis year the outer edge of the Ice flow was pushed out of the Gu=
lf and off Cape Breton earlier than usual and large volumes passed just off=
 our shores heading southwest.=0A=A0=0AI'd say that the early and large out=
 flows of ice are responsible for=A0this years=A0further south than usual d=
eposits of seal carcus'. I'm sure=A0most of us=A0along the north eastern=A0=
shore=A0don't mind sharing this early-mid spring abundance. =0A=A0=0AIn the=
 next short while if you have a carcus on you beach don't let it get above =
the tide line. You'll be sure to have you're own smelly, oil producing, col=
ony of decomposers that will last into mid summer (lots of experence). Even=
 though the water is cold it seem to excelerate the decomp of the seals whi=
le keeping the smell in check (relatively speaking). An off shore wind=A0on=
 a falling tide can make it go=A0away.=0A=A0=0ATom K.=0ACanso=0A=A0=0A=A0=
=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A----- Original Message ----- =0AFrom: Terri Crane =0AT=
o: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca=A0 =0ASent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:48 PM=0ASub=
ject: Re: [NatureNS] Dead Seal=0A=0AHi All.=0A=A0=0ALast week produced a pr=
olonged heavy North and North East wind for a few days. =0A=A0=0ASO=A0I'll=
=A0predict a flush spring for dead seals along=A0our shores again this year=
. Simmilar conditions last year and=A03 years ago exposed the high mortalir=
y during these events. The extreme motion of broken ice and add to this the=
 inexperience of the young seals (the usual victim) and you've=A0got the re=
cipe for a mass cull.=0A=A0=0ATom K.=0ACanso=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=
=0A=A0=0A----- Original Message ----- =0AFrom: Gayle MacLean =0ATo: naturel=
ist =0ASent: Monday, March 30, 2009 8:58 AM=0ASubject: [NatureNS] Dead Seal=
=0A=0AHi All,=0A=0AMy sister reports that yesterday, Sunday, as she and her=
 husband were going for a stroll, they saw a dead seal (her description, sm=
allish, grey) right beside the Conrad's Beach=A0parking area. It was in the=
 grassy area. She was surprised to see it there, being so far from the ocea=
n, though, she knew there are alot of salt water pools in there too.=0A=0AG=
ayle MacLean=0ADartmouth =0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A=0AYah=
oo! Canada Toolbar :Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favou=
rite sites. Download it now!  =0A=0A=0A-- =0A#################=0ADr.R.B.Ste=
rn, =A0 =0AP.O. Box 300,=0APort Williams,=0AN.S., Canada,=0AB0P 1T0=0A=0ARi=
chard Stern, =0A317 Middle Dyke Rd.=0APort Williams, NS, Canada=0AB0P 1T0=
=0A=0Asternrichard@gmail.com=0A###################=0A=0A=0A=0A      _______=
___________________________________________________________=0AYahoo! Canada=
 Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your favourite site=
s. Download it now=0Ahttp://ca.toolbar.yahoo.com.
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<html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=
ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:tahoma, new york, times, serif;font-size=
:10pt"><DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; There were 8-10, primarily white coats,&nbsp;on Ma=
rtinique and Clam harbor beach as well, is strewn with them...Our boys were=
 surfing on the weekend and reported the carnage,...our oldest has been wor=
king as an O/C with the Canadian Coast Guard on the Louis St. Laurent and h=
as observed so many&nbsp;herds of seals on route, alive and other wise,..an=
d since the seal hunt so many just left dead on the pack ice. He believes m=
any of these drifted down the coast&nbsp;with the ice pack,..as it moved ou=
t and melted in the last 2-3 weeks..&nbsp; He has been icebreaking the ferr=
y lanes in the eastern coastal region since early February.</DIV>=0A<DIV>&n=
bsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>J Foley</DIV>=0A<DIV>Hd Jeddore<BR></DIV>=0A<DIV style=3D=
"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: tahoma, new york, times, serif"><BR>=0A<DIV =
style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, se=
rif"><FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2>=0A<HR SIZE=3D1>=0A<B><SPAN style=3D"FONT=
-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></B> Richard Stern &lt;sternrichard@gmail.com&gt=
;<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> naturens@chebucto.=
ns.ca<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Monday, Apri=
l 13, 2009 7:45:51 PM<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPA=
N></B> Re: [NatureNS] Dead Seal<BR></FONT><BR>There were at least 4 dead se=
als on Pond Cove Beach this w/e. All were young, and headless - similar to =
those described on the CBC news at Lawrencetown Beach this evening. They we=
re providing a treat for the local Turkey Vultures. I have no idea what kil=
led them., but perhaps it's a province-wide phenomenon.<BR><BR>Richard<BR><=
BR>=0A<DIV class=3Dgmail_quote>On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Terri Crane=
 <SPAN dir=3Dltr>&lt;<A href=3D"mailto:terri.crane@ns.sympatico.ca