[NatureNS] Another Great Egret

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 01:48:18 +0000
Importance: Normal
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Hi All:
I received an email today complete with photos of a great egret=2C which ar=
rived with all of the wind yesterday in the marsh area across from 607 Oakl=
and Road in Lunenburg Co.  The Oakland road can be accessed if coming from =
Western Shore a few miles before Mahone Bay=2C or on the other end if leavi=
ng Mahone Bay.
James R. Hirtle
East LaHave

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Hi All:<BR>
I received an email today complete with photos of a great egret=2C which ar=
rived with all of the wind yesterday in the marsh area across from&nbsp=3B6=
07 Oakland Road in Lunenburg Co.&nbsp=3B The Oakland road can be accessed i=
f coming from Western Shore a few miles before Mahone Bay=2C or on the othe=
r end if leaving Mahone Bay.<BR>
James R. Hirtle<BR>
East LaHave<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr /> <a href=3D'' target=3D'_ne=


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