[NatureNS] Port Mouton and area birding - Great Cormorant Colony

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 00:06:28 +0000
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Dorothy Poole and I were on Port Mouton Island today=2C but also did a quic=
k survey of what we saw in and around the area on the way out.
Mink Island GPS NAD 38 20T 0353361 4864223=2C Herring Gulls and Greater Bla=
ck-backed gulls with fledged young.  Only about six pairs of greater black-=
backs and only about 15 pairs of herring gulls.
There were roughly 22 common terns on the rocks there=2C but they did not a=
ppear to be foraging for food for young and most were just sitting around. =
 I'm not sure if they attempted to nest on any of the islands in the area a=
nd failed=2C but this is my theory.  There were no other signs of any terns=
 on any of the other islands that we passed and no signs of terns actively =
foraging for food for young.
Masacre Island.  I might have spelt this wrong.  NAD38 20T 0355555 4863081 =
100 pairs of Double-crested cormorants with active nests and young at vario=
us stages.  At least one great cormorant nest.
Jackie's Island 20T 0357078 4862233 70 pairs of Double-crested Cormorants n=
esting.  Also a colony of Great Cormorants with at least 50 pairs.  Half gr=
own young were seen in a number of nests.
Port Mouton Island 20T 0356995 4863504 .  We were only able to cover a quar=
ter of the island today=2C but found 24 species of birds.  It is a large is=
land and I hope to make a return trip next year mid June for try and get so=
me other species that should have been there and those that we might have m=
issed.  It will also be a good time to possibly upgrade some breeding statu=
s.  Confirmation of breeding and aggatated behaviour were seen in a number =
of species.  Of note a large concentration of common yellowthroats breeding=
 in small territories.  I do not think that I have ever seen so many pairs =
so close together.  Successful breeding is occuring with food carrying for =
young with a lot of pairs.  Also there are a lot of territorial squabbles. =
 Two bank swallows were seen=2C so I suspect nesting on the island somewher=
Cormorants are nesting on the island also with at least seven pairs.  Of in=
terest were a pair of cedar waxwings that flew in=2C purple finches=2C alde=
r flycatchers=2C a swainsons thrush=2C and a gray catbird.  I would love to=
 have had my rail tape to play as the habitat is awesome.
Garter snakes are on the island if documentation of such does not exist.  T=
here are also a number of dragonflies and damselflies present. =20
James R. Hirtle
East LaHave
Find hidden words=2C unscramble celebrity names=2C or try the ultimate cros=
sword puzzle with Live Search Games. Play now!

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Dorothy Poole and I were on Port Mouton Island today=2C but also did a quic=
k survey of what&nbsp=3Bwe saw in and around the area on the way out.<BR>
Mink Island GPS NAD 38 20T 0353361 4864223=2C Herring Gulls and Greater Bla=
ck-backed gulls with fledged young.&nbsp=3B Only about six pairs of greater=
 black-backs and only about 15 pairs of herring gulls.<BR>
There were roughly 22 common terns on the rocks there=2C but they did not a=
ppear to be foraging for food for young and most were just sitting around.&=
nbsp=3B I'm not sure if they attempted to nest on any of the islands in the=
 area and failed=2C but this is my theory.&nbsp=3B There were no other sign=
s of any terns on any of the other islands that we passed and no signs of t=
erns actively foraging for food for young.<BR>
Masacre Island.&nbsp=3B I might have spelt this wrong.&nbsp=3B NAD38 20T 03=
55555 4863081 100 pairs of Double-crested cormorants with active nests and =
young at various stages.&nbsp=3B At least one great cormorant nest.<BR>
Jackie's Island 20T 0357078 4862233 70 pairs of Double-crested Cormorants n=
esting.&nbsp=3B Also a colony of Great Cormorants with at least 50 pairs.&n=
bsp=3B Half grown young were seen in a number of nests.<BR>
Port Mouton Island 20T 0356995 4863504 .&nbsp=3B We were only able to cover=
 a quarter of the island today=2C but found 24 species of birds.&nbsp=3B It=
 is a large island and I hope to make a return trip next year mid June for =
try and get some other species that should have been there and those that w=
e might have missed.&nbsp=3B It will also be a good time to possibly upgrad=
e some breeding status.&nbsp=3B Confirmation of breeding and aggatated beha=
viour were seen in a number of species.&nbsp=3B Of note a large concentrati=
on of common yellowthroats breeding in small territories.&nbsp=3B I do not =
think that I have ever seen so many pairs so close together.&nbsp=3B Succes=
sful breeding is occuring with food carrying for young with a lot of pairs.=
&nbsp=3B Also there are a&nbsp=3Blot of territorial squabbles.&nbsp=3B Two =
bank swallows were seen=2C so I suspect nesting on the island somewhere.<BR=
Cormorants are nesting on the island also with at least seven pairs.&nbsp=
=3B Of interest were a pair of cedar waxwings that flew in=2C purple finche=
s=2C alder flycatchers=2C a swainsons thrush=2C and a gray catbird.&nbsp=3B=
 I would love to have had my rail tape to play as the habitat is awesome.<B=
Garter snakes are on the island if documentation of such does not exist.&nb=
sp=3B There are also a number of dragonflies and damselflies present.&nbsp=
=3B <BR>
James R. Hirtle<BR>
East LaHave<BR><br /><hr /> </body>


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