[NatureNS] Liverpool Today

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:17:51 +0000
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Hi all:
Dorothy Poole and I took a brief bird outing today in Liverpool and to Somm=
erville Beach.  Of note in Liverpool Harbour was a thick-billed murre and a=
 red-throated loon.  There were also two horned grebes there along with whi=
te -winged scoters.  Horned grebes were also off the other side of Western =
Head near Sandy Cove.  A male northern cardinal was a treat in Milton.  Lot=
s of common loons along the LaHave River and off Dublin Shore.  They are to=
gether in groups of threes and fours.
James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore.

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Hi all:<BR>
Dorothy Poole and I took a brief bird outing today in Liverpool and to Somm=
erville Beach.&nbsp; Of note in Liverpool Harbour was a thick-billed murre =
and a red-throated loon.&nbsp; There were also two horned grebes there alon=
g with white -winged scoters.&nbsp; Horned grebes were also off the other s=
ide of Western Head near Sandy Cove.&nbsp; A male northern cardinal was a t=
reat in Milton.&nbsp; Lots of common loons along the LaHave River and off D=
ublin Shore.&nbsp; They are together in groups of threes and fours.<BR>
James R. Hirtle<BR>
Dublin Shore.<BR>
&nbsp;<BR><br /><hr /> </body>


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