[NatureNS] Purcells cove birds

From: "Heather Drope" <heather.drope@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:17:00 -0400
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Anyone wanting to look at sea/water birds from their car should check out 
Purcells Cove. There is a dock or look out area and it is perfect. 
Binoculars are OK but a Scope would work even better. I was out there a 
couple of Sundays ago and on the far end of the cove was  a Great Blue 
Heron hanging out at the shore line. The birds on the floating rafts are 
worth a closer look at.  You just may find two species as we did - one 
being the larger version of the common. 
Why am I posting this now? Well no one ever mentions this area and we 
did see interesting birds. I'm not a confident water bird birder so hesitate 
to mention what I saw or think I saw. I would just like someone else to 
look at the area too. 
Heather D.

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