[NatureNS] Varied thrush

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Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 18:11:49 -0400
From: "Richard Stern" <sternrichard@gmail.com>
To: NS-RBA <NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com>, NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Liz and I did some birding/ dog-walking and shopping along the South Shore
today. We stopped by Greenfield, and had nice looks at the Varied Thrush -
which also posed nicely for photos (I'll post them later). Initially it
appeared facing us, perched on top of a tall spruce behind the house, and I
saw the rather vertical position and the black chest-band, and just thought
it was a Flicker with the sun on it - but it then flew into the tree in the
front yard, and it was pretty obvious what it was - and as Pat McKay said
last week - what a beautiful bird.

Other birds of note included 18 Dunlin at Crescent Beach, and about 100 Gr.
Scaup (I didn't see any Lessers or Redhead) keeping very tight formation in
the smooth sea off Bayport, + the usual crop of Sea ducks, C.Loons, Horned
Grebes etc.

Richard Stern,
317 Middle Dyke Rd.
Port Williams, NS, Canada
B0P 1T0


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Hi,<br><br>Liz and I did some birding/ dog-walking and shopping along the South Shore today. We stopped by Greenfield, and had nice looks at the Varied Thrush - which also posed nicely for photos (I&#39;ll post them later). Initially it appeared facing us, perched on top of a tall spruce behind the house, and I saw the rather vertical position and the black chest-band, and just thought it was a Flicker with the sun on it - but it then flew into the tree in the front yard, and it was pretty obvious what it was - and as Pat McKay said last week - what a beautiful bird.
<br><br>Other birds of note included 18 Dunlin at Crescent Beach, and about 100 Gr. Scaup (I didn&#39;t see any Lessers or Redhead) keeping very tight formation in the smooth sea off Bayport, + the usual crop of Sea ducks, 
C.Loons, Horned Grebes etc.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>#################<br>Richard Stern, <br>317 Middle Dyke Rd.<br>Port Williams, NS, Canada
<br>B0P 1T0<br><br>rbstern@ns.sympatico.ca
rbstern@xcountry.tv<br><a href="mailto:sternrichard@gmail.com" target="_blank"> sternrichard@gmail.com</a> <br>################### ------=_Part_7128_15101712.1200175914375--

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