[NatureNS] private property

From: Michael King <mikenjenn1@hotmail.com>
To: nature ns <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 21:51:13 -0400
Importance: Normal
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Just a friendly message for birders still wishing to see the yellow-throate=
d and orange-crowned warblers being reported from Brookdale Ave.The latest =
report being from 28 Brookdale but,their are two signs at the entrance to t=
he parking lot reading "PRIVATE PROPERTY" "NO TRESPASSING". While in the ar=
ea today I heard a conversation between a few of the tenants that was not w=
elcoming to "birdwatchers" and think we should stay away from the parking l=
ot mentioned. There are still some great spots to check like; the walking t=
rail which leads alongside of the brook that also has great feeders. If you=
 walk towards 28, there is a driveway that leads between one apartment and =
28 and there are no signs there. When you get to the back of the parking lo=
t you should see a feeder on the second floor balcony of 28 Brookdale: this=
 is where the birds are tending to.
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.hmmessage P
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Just a friendly message for birders still wishing to see the yellow-throate=
d and orange-crowned warblers being reported from Brookdale Ave.The latest =
report being&nbsp;from 28 Brookdale but,their are two signs at the entrance=
 to the parking lot reading "PRIVATE PROPERTY" "NO TRESPASSING". While in t=
he area today I heard a conversation between a few of the tenants that was =
not welcoming to "birdwatchers" and think we should stay away from the park=
ing lot mentioned. There are still some great spots to check like; the walk=
ing trail which leads alongside of the brook that also has great feeders. I=
f you walk towards 28, there is a driveway that leads between one apartment=
 and 28 and there are no signs there. When you get to the back of the parki=
ng lot you should see a feeder on the second floor balcony of 28 Brookdale:=
 this is where the birds are tending to.<BR>
Mike<BR><br /><hr />Books, DVD's, gadgets, music and more. <a href=3D'http:=
=3D1761116&tcode=3DHolidayGuide' target=3D'_new'>Shop online with Sympatico=
 / MSN Shopping today!</a></body>


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