[NatureNS] Excellent article about Point and Shoot digital nature photography

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Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:41:52 -0400
From: "Richard Stern" <sternrichard@gmail.com>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Steve Ingraham, who is an excellent digiscoper, and now works for Zeiss, has
posted an excellent article on Point and Shoot cameras, digiscoping, and
general nature photography here -  http://pslandscape.wordpress.com. It
complements very nicely the recent posts from Gary, myself etc. on NatureNS.


Richard Stern,
317 Middle Dyke Rd.
Port Williams, NS, Canada
B0P 1T0


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Steve Ingraham, who is an excellent digiscoper, and now works for Zeiss, has posted an excellent article on Point and Shoot cameras, digiscoping, and general nature photography here -&nbsp; <a href="http://pslandscape.wordpress.com">
http://pslandscape.wordpress.com</a>. It complements very nicely the recent posts from Gary, myself etc. on NatureNS.<br><br>Richard<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>#################<br>Richard Stern, <br>317 Middle Dyke Rd.<br>
Port Williams, NS, Canada<br>B0P 1T0<br><br>rbstern@ns.sympatico.ca
rbstern@xcountry.tv<br><a href="mailto:sternrichard@gmail.com">sternrichard@gmail.com </a><br>################### ------=_Part_22149_955615.1197384112789--

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