[NatureNS] Sparring birds

From: James Hirtle <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: Naturens Naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 00:56:47 +0000
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It was interesting to watch the interactions between a robin and the gray c=
atbird today at Garden Lots.  The American robin was really aggressive towa=
rds the catbird and more times then not the robin displaced the catbird.  W=
hile watching I think the catbird only won the aggressive confrontation onc=
e. =20
James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore
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It was interesting to watch the interactions between a robin and the gray c=
atbird today at Garden Lots.&nbsp; The American robin was really aggressive=
 towards the catbird and more times then not the robin displaced the catbir=
d.&nbsp; While watching I think the catbird only won the aggressive confron=
tation once.&nbsp; <BR>
James R. Hirtle<BR>
Dublin Shore<BR><br /><hr />Books, DVD's, gadgets, music and more. <a href=
ptnrdata=3D1761116&tcode=3DHolidayGuide' target=3D'_new'>Shop online with S=
ympatico / MSN Shopping today!</a></body>


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