[NatureNS] HRM Saturday

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:51:33 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Ian and I spent the morning in the metro area.   We first visited 
Seaview Park, and managed to find none of the unusual birds 
previously reported, but we were impressed by the flock of six Red Junglefowl.

There were but a few gulls on the playing fields at Shannon Park, and 
no birds of note at Albro Lake.   Sullivan's Pond was also a bit 
quiet, though we counted 3 American Coots.

We arrived at Bissett Lake in time to see thousands of geese in the 
air, having taken flight in response to a power boat on the lake 
(which the owner then took out of the water for the winter -- about 
time).   We couldn't spy anything odd among the circling geese, and 
there were almost no ducks in evidence, though there were 3 more 
American Coots.

The highlight of our day was a visit to Rainbow Haven, about two 
hours after high tide, and as the first mud flats were being exposed 
in Cole Harbour.  We walked along the side of the estuary channet 
from the beach, and where the estuary channel begins to open up, 
there were hundreds of shorebirds on the newly exposed mud 
flats.   They were difficult to count, but there were at least:

70 Black-bellied Plover
80 Red Knot
200 Dunlin
a few Sanderling

We also had 2 Greater Yellowlegs, 2 Great Blue Herons, 12 Lapland 
Longspurs, 8 Horned Larks, 1 Ipswich Sparrow.

A quick visit to Hartlen Point found the golfers still on the 
fairways, and there were 18 longspurs and 6 pipits along the beach, 
which certainly took a beating from Hurricane Noel.

A pleasant morning, in advance of the storm.


Blake Maybank

Editor, "Nova Scotia Birds"

author, "Birding Sites of Nova Scotia"

144 Bayview Drive
White's Lake, Nova Scotia,
B3T 1Z1, Canada

(902) 852-2077  

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