[NatureNS] YHBB, Blue Grosbeak, YB Chat, BG Gnatcatcher

From: "Terri Crane" <terri.crane@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>, <NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 21:10:42 -0300
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Note worthy birds today

YH Black Bird in the neighbours Chesnut Tree
Blue Grosbeak @ my feeder
YB Chat Chaple Gully Trail head (the pit)
BG Gnatcatcher (old tavern)
Great Egret
3 OC Warb. (all together in the back cemetery)
2 YB Cuckoos

A steady flight of A. Robins heading west with somewhere to go in a =
hurry, all passing over as specks in the sky overhead spaced a couple =
hundred feet apart BUT a steady stream all morning. I had to have seen =
150-200 hundred at least.

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