[NatureNS] fall colours, birds, rat in King's County

Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:31:58 -0300
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
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Oct. 13, 2007 - A juvenile female N. HARRIER was seen in the Canard River
Valley along Hwy. 358.  Harrisą Pond in Canning held 450 CANADA GEESE but
not much else.  And there were 15 GREEN-WINGED TEALS in the Ducks Unlimited
riverside pond nw. of New Minas along Middle Dyke Road.

Oct. 14, 2007 - A gorgeous male N. CARDINAL showed up at our Wolfville
feeders; this is our first sighting of a male this autumn (two sightings of
a single female earlier).  Also present were 6 PURPLE FINCHES (2 males, 4
females or juv./imm.).  Add 5 pheasants, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker,
4+ blue jays, 4+ bl.-c. chickadees, a white-breasted nuthatch, a mourning
dove, 5+ song sparrows, 3+ white-throated sparrows, and a red squirrel.

Oct. 17, 2007 - Iąm very sorry to see that again a NORWAY RAT has found our
feeders in Wolfville, after I went for most of the summer without feeding
the birds at all.

Oct. 19, 2007 - I saw my first few JUNCOS of the autumn at home in
Wolfville, and again a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was SINGING.

I drove from Greenwich to Coldbrook on Hwy. 101 and noticed that FINALLY our
FALL COLOURS are getting to be very nice indeed, especially from New Minas
west, after a long spell of too much warmth and not much for colours.  This
suggests that a bit of driving around this weekend and walking and
photographing might be in order.

Cheers :-) from Jim in Wolfville, 542-9204
Jim (James W.) Wolford
91 Wickwire Avenue 
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
B4P 1W3
phone (902)542-9204 (home)
fax (902)585-1059 (Acadia Univ. Biology Dept.)
e-mail <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
ł...... the Earth .....belongs as much to those who come after us as to us;
and we have no right, by anything that we do, or neglect to do, to involve
them in unnecessary penalties, or to deprive them of benefits which are
theirs by right.˛  - John Ruskin
"Let us permit Nature to have her way; she understands her business better
than we do." - Michel de Montaigne

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