[NatureNS] mystery sparrows

From: "David&Jane Schlosberg" <dschlosb-g@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Dottie&Gary Welch" <dwelch@orion.stmarys.ca>,
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:34:15 -0300
Importance: Normal
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Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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We have a pair of sparrows on the ground under our feeders that we can't
identify.  We're thinking maybe young savannas(?).  Their heads and backs
are very pretty light brown and not streaked.  There's a tiny bit of
yellowish brown near their beaks, which are light-coloured, maybe pink/light
grey.  Their breasts are very lightly streaked grey.  They're feeding on the
grasses, mostly ignoring the feeder seeds.  Tails are not rounded.  Wings
grey with a bit of white streaking, but not much.  HEEELLLLPPPP.

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