[NatureNS] Whale watch sightings

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Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 17:31:06 -0400
From: "June Swift" <brierisland@gmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Hi Everyone
Happy Thanksgiving!
Went out whale watching today and had a good look at a
Razor-billed Auk
Northern Fulmars
Northern Gannets
Greater and 1 Sooty Shearwater
Common Tern
Red Phalaropes
Also sighted humpback whales
Minke Whale
Harbor Porpoises

June Swift

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<div>Hi Everyone</div>
<div>Happy Thanksgiving!</div>
<div>Went out whale watching today and had a good look at a </div>
<div>Razor-billed Auk</div>
<div>Northern Fulmars</div>
<div>Northern Gannets</div>
<div>Greater and 1 Sooty Shearwater</div>
<div>Common Tern</div>
<div>Red Phalaropes</div>
<div>Also sighted humpback whales</div>
<div>Minke Whale</div>
<div>Harbor Porpoises</div>
<div>June Swift</div>


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