[NatureNS] local ponds -east Kings

From: "Judy Tufts" <tandove@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "NatureNS" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 20:50:11 -0300
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Fri afternoon - Oct 5 / 07:

Some local east Kings Co. waterfowl sightings:


Canada Geese:     Harris' Pond, Canning  (150); Van Nostrand Pond (upper
pond), Starr's Pt ( 80+)  

Grn-w. Teal:          Canard Pond (70); Van Nostrand Pond (4 teal sp.)

A Wigeon:            Canard Pond (m, f.) 

Scaup sp.:            Harris' Pond, Canning (3)

Mallard:                Canard Pond (60); Habitant R., Canning (20 )

Black Duck:          Harris' Pond, Canning (30); Canard Pond (50)


Pied-bill Grebe:      Harris' Pond, Canning (2);   Canard Pond (1)

D-c Cormorant:      Harris' Pond, Canning (1); Canard Pond (1)

GBH:                    Canard Pond (1)



Judy Tufts








   Judy  Tufts




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