[NatureNS] two weasels

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Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 21:10:17 -0300
From: "Randy Lauff" <randy.lauff@gmail.com>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Last week I encountered weasels twice. The first was dropped off dead, so it
will be incorporated into the teaching collection at StFX (another useless
cat kill...incorporating it into the collection does not justify nor excuse
the killing). The other was in our wood pile, and the camera just happened
to be handy...please see:

RF Lauff
Way in the boonies of
Antigonish County, NS.

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<div>Last week I encountered weasels twice. The first was dropped off dead, so it will be incorporated into the teaching collection at StFX (another useless cat kill...incorporating it into the collection does not justify nor excuse the killing). The other was in our wood pile, and the camera just happened to be handy...please see: 
<div><br>Randy<br>_________________________________<br>RF Lauff<br>Way in the boonies of<br>Antigonish County, NS. </div>


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