[NatureNS] Wilderness Retreat for MEN

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Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 18:27:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi Everyone;

Camille Dumond asked me to forward this message to
NatureNS.  Sorry, ladies.  This is for MEN only!


From: Camille Dumond <camilledumond@hotmail.com>

I work with the Tatamagouche Centre, an education,
retreat and
centre in Northern NS.

A Wilderness Canoe Retreat for Men
September 26-30th, 2007; Wed. 2pm – Sun. noon

Men have journeyed together through the wilderness for
thousands of
 years. Join 
this opportunity to travel into the backcountry of
southwestern Nova
The remote landscape we travel through is
breathtaking, inspiring and
images of a legendary Canadian wilderness experience.
Inspired by the
and the supportive atmosphere created by the
wilderness journey, we
 will take 
time to share stories and experiences unique to our
male spiritual
Each day there is time to relax, reflect and enjoy the
solace the
offers. An overnight solo is an option for those who

Each year we alternate routes between  the cranberry
rich lakes along
Roseway system, and the mystical old growth of
Sporting Lake. In 2007
 we will 
head towards Sporting Lake where lies an ancient
island of old growth
 pine, red 
spruce and hemlock.

No previous wilderness experience necessary.
Participants must be
in the water and be in reasonably good health.
Leadership: Brian Braganza, Program Resource Group.
Hantford Lewis and
Peter Davidson. Cost: $390

To Register:
Phone: 902 657-2231 or 1-800-218-2220, Fax: 902
E-mail: tatacent@tatacentre.ca

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