[NatureNS] Grand Pre

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Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 13:30:32 -0300
From: "Richard Stern" <sternrichard@gmail.com>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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I have been to East Point, Grand Pre at high tide yesterday and today. Both
days there were thousands of Peeps - as usual, mostly Semis, with a good mix
of Leasts, White-rumped, Semi. Plovers too. All very approachable as they
roosted on the beach. The fishermen, dogs etc., don't really bother them,
but whenever the whole flock takes flight it generally means there is a
Peregrine around. Yesterday there were 1 adult and 1 imm., both chasing the
shorebirds at the same time. Today there was 1 bird, and I watched it stoop,
and chase down then catch, a Peep. There was 1 Whimbrel in a field on the
way down to E. Point yesterday.

Today there were also a good number of shorebirds as the tide was rising in
Wolfville Harbor- much the same mix as Judy mentioned yesterday.

I wish it had been like that when I tried to find any shorebirds at all at
the Nature Canada conference earlier in the month!


Richard Stern,
317 Middle Dyke Rd.
Port Williams, NS, Canada
B0P 1T0


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I have been to East Point, Grand Pre at high tide yesterday and today. Both days there were thousands of Peeps - as usual, mostly Semis, with a good mix of Leasts, White-rumped, Semi. Plovers too. All very approachable as they roosted on the beach. The fishermen, dogs etc., don&#39;t really bother them, but whenever the whole flock takes flight it generally means there is a Peregrine around. Yesterday there were 1 adult and 1 imm., both chasing the shorebirds at the same time. Today there was 1 bird, and I watched it stoop, and chase down then catch, a Peep. There was 1 Whimbrel in a field on the way down to E. Point yesterday.
<br><br>Today there were also a good number of shorebirds as the tide was rising in Wolfville Harbor- much the same mix as Judy mentioned yesterday.<br><br>I wish it had been like that when I tried to find any shorebirds at all at the Nature Canada conference earlier in the month!
<br><br>Richard<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>#################<br>Richard Stern, <br>317 Middle Dyke Rd.<br>Port Williams, NS, Canada<br>B0P 1T0<br><br>rbstern@ns.sympatico.ca<br>
sternrichard@gmail.com<br>################### ------=_Part_78929_16755664.1188145832155--

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