[NatureNS] Nova Scotia Bird Society Field Trip: Bon Portage Island: Friday August 31

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:25:39 -0300
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Fri 31 Aug to Mon 03 Sep 2007=96 Bon Portage Island
Leader: Joan Czapalay 405-4157 or 348-2803; E-mail: =20
Alternate contact: Claire Diggins: claire_diggins@hotmail.com
Pre-Registration is Necessary!
Depart 6:00 p.m. on Friday from the Prospect Point Wharf in Shag =20
Harbour, Shelburne County.  Bring food, drinking water, warm clothing, =20=

footwear for rough (beach cobble) and wet terrain, a flashlight, =20
mattress sheet and a sleeping bag.  Carry gear in waterproof bags or =20
containers.  Field guides are available on the island as are cooking =20
pots, utensils and dishes.  There is a charge of $45.00 for three =20
nights accommodation plus a donation for the boat trip.

Patrick Kelly
Director of Computer Facilities
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Dalhousie University
PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4
Canada                                 Canada
Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672   E-mail:patrick.kelly@dal.ca

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<bold><fontfamily><param>Arial</param><x-tad-smaller>Fri 31 Aug to Mon
03 Sep 2007=96 Bon Portage Island

Joan Czapalay 405-4157 or 348-2803; E-mail:
er> =20

Alternate contact: Claire Diggins:

</x-tad-smaller><bold><x-tad-smaller>Pre-Registration is Necessary!

</x-tad-smaller></bold><x-tad-smaller>Depart 6:00 p.m. on Friday from
the Prospect Point Wharf in Shag Harbour, Shelburne County.  Bring
food, drinking water, warm clothing, footwear for rough (beach cobble)
and wet terrain, a flashlight, mattress sheet and a sleeping bag.=20
Carry gear in waterproof bags or containers.  Field guides are
available on the island as are cooking pots, utensils and dishes.=20
There is a charge of $45.00 for three nights accommodation plus a
donation for the boat trip.




Patrick Kelly

Director of Computer Facilities


Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Dalhousie University


PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4

Canada                                 Canada


Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672 =20




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