[NatureNS] FW: A Swift Night Out - Thanks!

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:05:44 -0300
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Cc: Paul Kyle <DWA@austin.rr.com>, Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
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I haven't contributed anything from Wolfville for the August dates, so I had
better do my homework and send something in:

Aug. 10/07 -- 29 Wolfville chimney swifts -- Ted Wolkowski, Jim Wolford
Aug. 11 -- ??
Aug. 12 -- 16 Wolfville chimney swifts -- Ted Wolkowski

Cheers from Jim in Wolfville
From: Driftwood Wildlife Association
Reply-To: Driftwood Wildlife Association
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:05:13 -0400 (EDT)
To: jimwolford@eastlink.ca
Subject: A Swift Night Out - Thanks!

Dear Associate,

Thanks very much for your participation in the August portion of this year's
A Swift Night Out.  We have been very pleased with the number of reports and
the great detail provided by many participants.  The September dates are the
7th, 8th and 9th.  We will continue to update the web site weekly through
the end of September, so please keep sending us your observations.  For an
overall view of the results, go to:


Click on " A Swift Night Out" and follow the links.

Once there, if you click on the "For detailed information on each report"
link on the bottom of the map, you can view all of the reports in their

If you have not visited our web site lately, please take some time to look
around.  There is information on building Chimney Swift Towers, new books
about Chimney Swifts, a tour of the Travis Audubon Society's new Chaetura
Canyon Bird Sanctuary and video clips of a Chimney Swift nestling season at
the "Chimney Swift Web Cam" link.

Thanks again for your interest in Chimney Swifts.  When you speak to your
friends and neighbors, be sure to mention these fascinating and beneficial
birds.  Their numbers have declined by more than 48% over the past few
decades, so they need all of the friendly chimneys and towers we can provide
for them!

Best Regards,

Paul and Georgean
Project Directors
Driftwood Wildlife Association


*Please note that the September sightings will not appear on the web site
until mid-week after the event.  This is because we will be participating in
the Hummingbird Migration Celebration at Audubon's Strawberry Plains Nature
Center in Holly Springs, Mississippi.  If you are in the area, come by and
see us.  There will be Chimney Swift video presentations twice daily.

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