[NatureNS] Airport birds

From: "Dennis Hippern" <dhippern@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 21:05:33 -0300
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Hello All,
    A very birdy place here at the airport over the last couple of days:
-8 common nighthawks flying over.
-1 N kestral hunting over the grassy areas.
-7 killdeer. These used to be regular here several years ago, having nested.
This includes the year they nested on the gravel roof of the office 
  attached to the Air Canada hangar where I work. These 7 are the first I've
  seen in 3 or 4 years. As far as I could tell, they were all adults, just 
  through and not locals.
-several barn swallows and cliff swallow hawking for insects over the newly 
  grass. The barn swallow nest in the Air Canada cargo building and probably
  elsewhere on the airport. The Cliff swallows are tending 31 nests built 
  the eves of 2 different I.M.P. hangars. The Cliff swallow arrived on time, 
  later part of the second week of May, and the young will probably fledge 
  the next week if they follow the past history here.
-This week I saw one adult Common Loon with one fledgling on Miller's Lake
while driving to work from Dartmouth. This would be breeding confirmation
for this square which I think "belongs" to the Paysants.
Dennis Hippern (DHH)
Cole Harbour

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