[NatureNS] Beaver Pond

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Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 08:03:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
This morning BB and I canoed a beaver pond. This pond
has been there for a number of years and as the outlet
is narrow it is easy for the beavers to keep things in
repair. The water is quite deep however.
The pond is about 440 m in lenght - by my GPS and
allitude is 5 m. Which looks good to me. It is about
10 k in area.
The pond has grown up in pond stuff. Cattails on the
water's edge, schrubs where it is drier on some of the
small islands with lily pads and grass os some sort in
deeper water.  Some areas of clear water make paddling
easy. A real pond in a small package.
A Kingfisher was hovering and a few osprey passed
over. There was a lot of moulting mallards males in
the plant growth. Not looking any too beautiful and
only able to fly poorly. However when this years
broods are able to fly they will all be good to go.
There was also a moulting male woody and as there are
a lot of dead trees in the flooded areas it looks like
a good spot for a hollow tree.
There was also a brood of young mallards - less than a
week old and lots of red winged blackbirds, tree
swallos and deer fly.
Enjoy the summer - go paddling

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