[NatureNS] Birds today.

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 00:17:24 +0000
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I went out to try and do some more point counts for the Breeding Bird Atlas 
today.   I only had time to do two point counts as one was off road and I 
had to walk a long distance to get to the point.  Anyhow, not a bad day with 
a little over 40 species.  The best birds were probably a number of 
Blackburnian Warblers and a broad-winged hawk.  I also was checking under a 
bridge for a possible phoebe nest at a location where a male had been 
singing earlier in the year.  No luck with the phoebe, but as I got back 
into the car I noted a female pileated woodpecker on top of a telephone 
pole.  As I watched she flew across the road and perched beside two holes in 
a dead tree.  I held my breath hoping that maybe I had located a nest site 
for this species.  After looking around she went into the hole and did not 
come out, so I assume egg incubation is taking place.  I'm going to look 
forward to future monitoring of that location.

In Upper Northfield I watched an adult song sparrow feeding a youngster.  
Two separate robin broods were with adults.  Two young with one and three 
with another.  There is a barn swallow nest there also with three young soon 
to fledge and a new American robins nest.  Also, evening grosbeaks and lots 
of other species including five adult killdeer.  A Wilson's snipe was 
winnowing.  The property owner saw it perched on a post, but I did not 
actually see the bird.  A catbird was singing like a bubbly robin from atop 
a tree.  A great location and a good day on the whole to be out and about.  
I'll send a partial lep and ode list later once I check over my photos.


James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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